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Posts posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Now we are going to get hit with the other gas!


    Thought this somehow involved Arcaidy..... :ninja:



    Glad mine's all included in my electric bill now. Used to spend about $500-600 per winter on propane just to run a stupid floor furnace, plus the electric bill was only slightly less than it is now, thanks to all the electric heaters we had to run to actually heat the house.


    I had heard from some people that I probably wouldn't be satisfied with an electric heat pump, but considering how little it cost to install and the fact that it heats and cools my house sufficiently except on the very hottest or coldest days of the year, I'm quite happy with it...especially compared to what I had before! I've never had an electric bill in excess of $150, despite the fact that the original part of the house is about 50 years old and probably not well insulated at all.

  2. Well, if someone ran out in front of your vehicle from between parked cars, or if a car was driving toward you about to cause an accident. Or maybe if your brakes failed? Something along those lines.


    And I'm not at all being critical, but that title, "Honk Hink, Mr. Policeman", that cracks me up everytime I read it! :lol:


    I realize it's a typo, and again, I hope I don't come across as being critical or anything.

  3. crime investigation division, maybe?


    no clue


    Yes, criminal investigations division, I believe.


    edited to add: I don't know that I'd break a window unless I could be sure it wouldn't injure the child....and unless I'm mistaken, I know the people who live at this address and this would likely be a grandchild. I'm also confident that it in no way involved a lack of concern for the child's well-being. :)

  4. OOPS.


    Subtlety isn't her strong suit, is it?


    Oh, and :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: @ her 'bad-ass self' memorizing what everyone says about her . Someday she's gonna use that whole "whoop your ass" line on the wrong person and realize too late that she left her can opener at home.


    She is offensive, rude and a problem looking for a place to land. I could never figure out why she wasn't considered a liability to this site, in every sense of the word.


    I also wonder if she didn't understand that running back and forth between the NAACP's protest march and the skinheads' hate rally is a good way to get her foolish self (or someone else) hurt, or even killed?


    Yes, I know, everybody loves Honkin.


    Well, not quite everybody ;)


    Fortunately, someone else is keeping up with what I do a little better than I am today.

  5. Armymom, you're not the only one who's never flown and never plans to. ;)


    I've also never traveled west of Texas (or north of Tennessee/North Carolina); in fact, I've left the state of Georgia all of two times since 1987.


    Even though it would be a much harder life, I'd rather have lived 100-150 years ago than now. Seriously. Far away from everyone. Very far. Where the buffaloes roam, even.


    I love to skate and am still pretty good at it, even though I'm probably considered elderly by the standards of most who frequent the skating rink these days. Still have my own skates, too.


    I have one small tattoo that is rarely seen by anyone else.


    Remember, OsFan: if you see brakelights in front of you, there's a good chance you should be ready to stop.

  6. It amazes me how often employees of various types of businesses leave customers waiting to be seated, waited on or otherwise served while they goof off, cut-up or chat among themselves, or simply refuse to acknowledge their presence. Even more unbelievable are managers, supervisors and yes, occasionally owners who are aware this goes on and do nothing to correct the problem.


    Ineptitude and apathy. Even arrogance, at times. Any business that wishes to be successful for any length of time won't entertain any of the three.

  7. Amina Juma'a, a 35-year-old Baghdad homemaker and mother of four, says she watched Bush touring the areas damaged by Hurricane Katrina and was stunned by the "clean and beautiful areas" where evacuees were resettled.


    "Why can't he do that in Iraq?" she asks.



    Uh, hello? Maybe she should have a talk with those nasty fellas who keep blowing up the troops who are trying to help rebuild her country and ask them to stop?? Explosions don't exactly make for a beautiful countryside.


    So they feel sympathy for the disaster victims here, they just don't want to see OUR money spent to help OUR people. Of course, that's not really their fault, they only expect what they've been promised.


    What a mess.


    Very fitting thread title. ;)

  8. Wow, I thought I was the only person in the world who had a poor fish living in such terrible conditions. Mine is a beta, though.


    Well, now that I've confessed, I think I'll go home and try to improve the lil fella's living conditions a little. I hate scooping him up with that net, though. I'm always afraid I'm gonna hurt him :(


    He's fiesty. Once he jumped out of it before I got him back in some water and landed in the sink......

  9. Unless her doctor was incompetent, I don't think I'd be the one to tell her to disregard their advice/recommendations. What if you're wrong, or it doesn't turn?


    I don't know what kind of problems you're having, but I would think complications from surgery that are not life-threatening would be preferable to endangering the both of them by encouraging her to refuse a c-section based on your experience or in the hopes that the baby will turn before labor begins.


    There are many doctors who are just as opposed to unnecessary procedures as their patients.


    Not trying to be critical, because I really don't know your situation. I just wouldn't want to be the one who challenged her doctors opinion and then later turn out to be wrong. What I don't understand is how you came to know that your c-section was unnecessary? Seems to me you'd have to experience both with the same baby to know which was the best choice.....just the way my mind works, though, not being smart or anything.


    Good luck to her and her baby, and to you in helping her, whatever you decide to do.

  10. You should be able to register online for either of the two remaining classes. One is in Oct and one in Nov. Pull down the county list, select Paulding Co. (if that's the one you want) then go to Oct or Nov, click on the blue date and there's a link that says 'sign up'. Advanced registration is required, I believe.


    Classes are two days, attendance is required both days to complete the course.

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