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Everything posted by partiesbykellys

  1. Love me some vista print Love me some vista print Check with z29 media I have found the nicer my card is, the more likely the person is to hold on to it and to put it in a safe place.... I would rather pay more or get less cards and the cards be top notch quality.
  2. I believe this would be your best bet. My dad had numerous hips replaced and had a bone disorder that cause his bones to turn to dust inside him. Recovery is bad. It is long and hard. This would be ideal.
  3. Some of the best Doctors in the US are in Rome. It is a small drive but worth it. Harbin Clinic only hires the best Hot Shot Doctors in their fields. I would start there.
  4. My father was a very good man but he had some issues. One of them was he believed that Russia was going to invade or attack us. We had a plan for such an event. I grew up without TV or newspapers and I went to a private school, so for a good portion of my life I was waiting on the invasion. I was a grown woman when 9/11 happened, but the fears came rushing back. It took all my resolve not to run home and get my kids and go hide. I am a very calm person but all those memories, drills, instructions came pouring back into me and I was thrown back into feeling helpless. I was at work. N
  5. No advice but prayers of healing
  6. BTW....Megan doe not need.....nor does she seek....your permission to be Republican.
  7. They are letting some of the hostages go....prayers for all.
  8. Not certain where it was headed but it just came from Cancun so I would bet it has Americans on it.
  9. I try to revamp at least 4x a year to keep things fresh and exciting for everyone. What are some of the funniest games you ever played a party. It can be any type of party such as Tupperware, Mary Kay, etc... I can tailor it to meet my needs. thanks for your help!!!
  10. Sitting around daydreaming about all the things you could do if you were just younger..... Just do it.......
  11. Keep in mind if you use your kids as an excuse not to go, it will make it harder for the next working mother to get a job with that company.
  12. You have to go. Period. End of story. I worked my way up throuh the corporate world and I will tell you, if you have any plans up moving up, you cannot ever use your kids as an excuse. It It will come back to haunt you. I am not bein mean I am being honest. As a woman, you have to work harder and longer to get promotions and more money. It sucks and it is unfair, but it is how it is.
  13. She is one of the most vocal women in the party. She really does not care what others think; hene, why I love her. As far as bein a RINO.......you know what she woud tell you to do
  14. When I was at my lowest......battered wife with 4 very small kids living in a single wide with the floors falling in and no hot water, days I had to worry about what I would fix the kids to eat...... I learned to focus my energy on helping others, and by doing so I realized that I had to get off my knees and stand...not for me but for all the women out there that just could not find the strength...for the women that would die trying. Look not inside for inner strength but look around you, and you will find all the strength you need.
  15. She caims to be a Republican but I believe she is an Indepedent and I LOVE her. What a fresh voice.
  16. He was taking a stand. The easy thing would have to watch the speech and please his dad, but he choose not to. I would have a talk to di deeper and see what the real reasons were as I do not believe CC son is sick of hearing about it as most 13 year olds do not watch news like we do.
  17. I would agree 100% if it was anything other than politics. My kids are taught respect and say maam, sir, please and thank you.....but IMHO....politics is a whole different story. You should have the right to turn you back on a politician. Bush or Obama or anyone else. It is one of the few freedoms we still have left.
  18. I would not punish him. I consider his turning his back on the speech as a matter of choice, and standing up for his beliefs. Be happy he was taking a stand and not just daydreaming about girls. I watched the speech and I thought it was good, but I would never force one of my kids to watch it. I have 1 Democrat, 2 Republicans and 1 Libertarian as children so lively debate is always going on at my house.
  19. The kid's grandparents bought it from their great aunt, who is 65 and it was her father's car and he just died..... So, I am sure Hubby and I will be paying any repair bills. lol
  20. He is still trying to figure out why she was not swept off her feet.. I told him to start a real conversation and she may respond.
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