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Everything posted by copschick

  1. awww...Mrs.B I am glad you and Jackson are doing good!
  2. lol I was VERY glad he was not here. I am afraid I might have killed him!
  3. lol at least you can send them home lol
  4. lil Tow#1 & 2 are gone to nana's, Tow is snoozing away, animals are bedded down, and I have a whole bottle of wine. I am a happy chick! So fair warning...I will be PUI
  5. You are absolutely right,B. And I will do the same to him I am sure... Lucky for lil Tow#1 he went to his grandmothers for the weekend...
  6. sure would make my life easier...lol
  7. Oh honey...no no no...I handle it with prozac and vodka
  8. Hell, you have to laugh to keep from crying...or killing them...one or the other LOL
  9. lol yeah, considering he is almost taller lol
  10. yeah...I know Tow will...thats kinda what worries me. I really do like my kid LOL
  11. yep...drunks are gonna be drunks...doesn't matter which day of the week it is...
  12. thank for the encouragement! I know we will get through it and one day probably look back and laugh...but right now its pure misery! LOL I don't know if it's guts or stupidity....maybe its both...
  13. Capt Rhett...this is why I detest drinking and driving. I don't have any problem with folks "boozing it up" but be responsible.
  14. The ONLY reason he is breathing is because he is in Dallas and I am in Marietta
  15. So, he has just been a typical kid...mouthy, lazy, eyerolly...whatever. He will normally straighten up. Until lately. His dad and him butt heads over EVERY little thing. So I have a pep talk with both of them and assure them that this is normal, he's just being a kid...Tow is just being a dad...blah blah blah. I thought I had gotten through to him. Apparently not. lil Tow#1 has some EXTREMELY disrespectful friends. That being said, the deal when he got a FB page was that it would be monitored...CLOSELY. Well, he has this one friend that constantly wants to argue with anything that Tow po
  16. that is awesome!!! LOL
  17. Did the botox perhaps make the kid shut her flipping mouth>???? Cause if that was the case...sign me up! I have a 15 y/o that could use some help in that area!
  18. OMG...he has really done it this time... Damn testosterone
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