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Everything posted by copschick

  1. You answer the phone and the voice on the other line (talking to someone else) says, yeah, Jimmy got that VD... Did I mention I work for an orthopaedic? there is no VD we treat...
  2. lol he was in the hospital silly! And LPPT, it isn't working PERIOD. When they did the hidascan(sp) it didn't show up. That means its dead. There is no fixing it.
  3. thanks tests all confirmed gallbladder
  4. yeah, well. they had better be glad I'm at work...
  5. So, my poor dad has been having some problems lately. He went to the hospital week before last thinking he was having a heart attack...it wasn't (praise God). He was told to follow up with a Gastroenterologist because they thought it was gallbladder (uh, yeah, primary care dr is supposed to order tests for that and then a general surgeon is called in). So he starts REALLY hurting last Friday and they admit him to the hospital (again). EVERYthing says it is gallbladder...ultrasound, hidascan(sp), labwork, etc, etc. He hasn't had anything to eat since Friday except for jello because anything e
  6. :rofl: I SO wish I would have been there to see that!!! Good for you!
  7. 1. tshirt/tank top, baggy capris, and flip flops 2. Depends on my mood...I like EVERYTHING, but mostly 90s pop 3. Comedy 4. Coke (but here in the south that could mean any and all "flavors" lol) 5. Grilled with Blackened seasons 6. once again, depends on my mood 7. pepperoni and green olives 8. cherry 9. car 10. sunset
  8. All of our are in the house (well, not the chickens...ewww! lol) Bless you for having such a kind heart! LOL
  9. swoon I bought the greatest pair of red patent leather peep toe pumps this weekend... I am one happy chick
  10. Dammit....I am so flipping tired of storms and rain...
  11. Currently, we live at a zoo. No seriously, we do. 3 dogs, 2 cats, 6 chickens, and 2 teens...a zoo (I'm opening up and charging admission starting next week...bring your kids, really, its fun! lol). In any event, last year, some of you will probably remember, we lost our little Ranger when some dumb hick that lives behind us shot him. Tow brought home a Jack Russell terrier aka the DEVIL to try and cheer my kids up. Well, he goes to the vet today to pick up food for our Min Pin (he's diabetic...yes, I know, our animals have issues) and sees a sign for a Rat Terrier that looks just like our litt
  12. lol I remember...but just wait. One day he will be a teenager
  13. good luck with that LOL
  14. wait, wait, wait...back up... you go to a seafood restaurant that is just 2 blocks from the aquarium? Where do you think there seafood comes from??? :bad:
  15. poor Go BLUE parents! It's amazing how something so little can make SO much noise, huh? LOL
  16. not now...but they are dang sure gonna LOL
  17. or juvaderm...in any event, I had the same thought
  18. Good thing I'm not feeling insecure today...in fact, I feel rather cute
  19. lol El Nopal is ok, I just like the staff at Tequilas...and they have a dish noone else does. Me and all the boys like Tequilas better lol
  20. oh..haha...I just saw it...yes, there is. 2 actually. I like Tequilas better, jsyk
  21. I knew what you meant LOL Let me know about Sunday morning...if y'all feel up to it
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