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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. I am really thinking about getting mine out of the cabinet as well.....I think someone said the other day, that you can't take it if you don't have a Gallbladder?? I went through the paperwork, and never saw this. Any reason why? I am sure it is problably something obvious...but I need to know.

  2. When we went,we ended up wishing we had made it an overnight trip.So much to do in just one day!I think your kids would love it.


    I really hope so! I really need to take the plunge and make the reservations, but it will be such a $$$ weekend...Kinda scared to commit, but we know if we wait too long, we may end up missing out. As a family we really need a nice weekend away, we have had alot of stress since right before Christmas..(hubby lost his job) We are now back on track, and this seems like alot of fun.


  3. If possible you may want to make it an overnighter. There is a full day of stuff to do there and there is a neat animal safari park near there. I can't remember the name, but I'm sure someone on here will.



    We are actually looking at staying there for Easter weekend...Arriving on Friday evening, doing activities on Saturday (they

    have a bunch for Easter) going to Sunrise Service on Sunday, and then leaving after brunch...We have no family here, and for the past couple of years we have gone to friends after Church, but we always feel a little sad, because their whole family is together.

    How long of a drive is it anyway?

  4. Well, we are thinking of going to Callaway Gardens this month, and since we moved to Georgia, we have never been. We have two boys, ages 8 and 7, would they like it? We are looking at staying at the Lodge and Spa, has anyone been? Any input would be much appreciated.



  5. Well not to sound cocky, but I think I have the nicest in the sub division it is really beautiful! Hubby just works near the airport and is going back to GSU this summer and the drive is killing him, we were so dumb to ever move out this far.



    You don't sound cocky at all! That is exactly what you would want to try and sell in this market...We are slowly doing upgrades here and there, so that when we do sell, they will want our house over our neighbors! (that kinda sounds awful, but it is the truth)

    Good luck with what ever you decide!

  6. We live in a Subdivision that is yet finished...We are NOT trying to sell right now, because even if we wanted to it would be so hard. I have one lady that has had her house for sale for over a year, and we have two forclosures on my street alone. Both of those, due to a move out of state, and not bieng able to sell.

    I wish you all the luck if you do try and sell. I was watching HGTV one day, and they said if you want to sell in this market, make your house irresistable.

  7. Same thing here, had to go and pick him up from school yesterday..I too, thought strep, but the rapid test came back negative. He is 102 this morning...They sent off his test for culture, and they told me that they have had a couple tests negative in the office, and then come back positive a couple days later. They advised home and lots of rest, and to follow the BRAT diet.


    B= Bananas

    R= Rice


    T=Toast (dry)


    Good luck!

  8. I thought that I was the only one that has had it in their cabinet, too scared to take it...


    Why would you not want to take it if you don't have your gallbladder?


    Good luck, hope the ride home was okay for you.

  9. I am from Arizona, and have known about Sheriff Joe for a very long time. He has completely changed the way the local government does its business, and if there were more like him, this country would be a better place. There have been serious death threats against not only him, but his family as well, and yet he still will not back down. I have had the good fortune to meet this man, and he truly is one of a kind.

  10. Sounds like you had a great time! I so want to go to NYC, I have never been..I told my husband that I am sick of Disney(3 yrs in a row) and I want to go there...Maybe even go up to DC, while we are there...I am glad that you had a great trip and are all safe back home.

  11. I can't help with jobs, but I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family....On December 14th,my husband lost his job. Today is his first day at the new one. It has really been a LONG couple of months, but we made it. It may take some time, but I know that something is out there for your husband. We had never had a lapse in employment so this was really rough, he worked some contract jobs (great pay) but no benefits. Maybe he could stand the temp stuff long enough, until the right thing comes along. Please know, that I will continue to pray for both you and your family. Stay strong.



  12. When I hit a deer it didn't affect our rates. I'm glad you're ok! I know how scary it is. I hit a large doe going about 65mph. The GA State Patrol told me had my hood latch not broken causing the hood to wrap up over my windshield that I more than likely would have been killed. Be thankful that you're all ok. The money part of this will work itself out one way or the other.


    You are so right about it working itself out...It always seem to doesn't it? I think I am just starting to realize what could have happend, and how truly lucky my boys and I are...Thanks so much.

  13. Thanks for all the replies. Car is at the shop, won't know how bad the damage is until tommorrow. Hubby talked to the agent today, and he said the rates won't go up.. :D Since it goes under comprehensive! Know we will just have to wait and see how long I am out of a car...Before you ask, we don't have rental insurance coverage. <_< My dear darling husband feels that since we don't ever need a rental car, paying for one every month in our premium is a waste of money. UGH!

  14. PLEASE let us know if you find a way to rid them, we have been in our house for three years now and for three years we have had the lady bug convention in the corners of each room, they seem to be more in the downstairs vs the upstairs rooms, the strangest thing we never see them in flight, they stay in the corner of the room near the celing and occasionally I will see a few dead ones on the floor. I'm so glad to hear others have the same problem, I was beginning to think we were strange or something haa haa. The rest of my family also lives in PC and they do not have the problem.....Maybe lady bugs are territorial.....I'm in Yorkville....


    I don't live that far away from you...I really don't have a problem with lady bugs or spiders...We have about 10 of those electronic bug things that you plug into your outlets. We got them several years ago at Sams's Club, and we have not had a problem since. I'm sure that there are some that say, they don't work for them, but they seem to for us!


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