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Everything posted by Mrskittycat

  1. I love the Bay area and the Marin county area..visited my son out there a few times...But your right about the cost.Hmm maybe one of my brothers children would let me stay with them....nah
  2. could you all start over I seemed to have missed the first one?
  3. No way no how would I move! Too old for that kind of work! I'll just stay here and dream......but I do miss the rolling hills of Amish country in Holmes County in Ohio quiet laid back and peaceful
  4. Wow sorry this happened.....Not scolding ...but please keep a fire extinguisher handy, electrical fire and water not good. hope all turns out well
  5. wow that brought back a memory from some dark and dusty recess of my mind! When I was little and my mom would be making meat loaf we kids would all beg for a small bite of the raw loaf......yuck! I can't believe I did that.
  6. wow! I thought they only came up to your chin lol sorry I couldn't help myself!
  7. Does that mean you have to split the pot?
  8. I think everyone should be outraged! An innocent child was killed while doing one of the things most children love..sitting on a grandparents lap! I don't care what color the child was or what color the shooter was...what I feel outraged about is the fact that a child was killed!
  9. but the sun is shinning and the sky so blue.....just looks like a good day in the making! What are some of your favorite things about winter? Warm fire...good book...and hot chocolate or hot cider is one of mine, share yours ( what you like about winter that is) Everyone have a good day.
  10. I would have gotten out and stood in it just to see what it was like! awesome picture
  11. Glad everything is ok.....even with the disagreements paulding. Com people really do care!
  12. I was just thinking about him this morning.....hope he is ok...while I don't share a lot of his views I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him.
  13. . I think death is viewed differently in older people then it is for younger ones......older people are looking over their shoulder so to speak, while younger people think death is for those sick or old...but then again is just my thought
  14. Father was in Navy WW2 Brother served 2 terms in Vietnam in marines. Thank you...and a big heartfelt thanks to All who have served, and those that serve today for freedoms we so richly enjoy.
  15. my son was cremated,I think the as far as saying goodbye..well I prefer to say See you later as to goodbye. But that's just me.
  16. hmm I never thought about dying by your own hand as opposed to being ill or knowing ahead your time was about to happen. I know my son was ill for a time with no hope of getting better and he said he welcomed death,not that he wanted to die but he knew life offered just more pain and suffering.Perhapes like you said for a split moment they regret the fact they are dying,but I believe once they are passed then they find peace. But I know after watching my son take his last breath I dont fear dying.
  17. have you ever had an encounter with a person passed? I don't mean a ghost but an encounter by the way of a dream or sign? I have had many from my son and all seemed to let me know he was ok ....so my thoughts is no they don't mourn their loss. But this is just my feelings on it
  18. I knew Dallas area has a lot of hot air ...maybe its spreading to Hiram? Hot air causes thunder don't it?...Never mind its probably just the planes at the airport....But maybe not...Nope I don't have a clue
  19. Sometimes our minds are our worse enemy. RIP Robin your battle is over
  20. tormenting dog staring at you and meowing. Sleeping on computer chair.
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