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Everything posted by weatherboy

  1. Good morning everyone. I hope you have a blessed day. Getting ready to go to church.
  2. Went to the singing tonight and they were all great. Got me a cd and dvd of the zion singers. Jack Reacher and his group was outstanding. I think they said they would be at the first Baptist tomorrow . So folks if you have never been to see them you need to go. They are a happy spirit filled group of men. They also have five good musicians that back them up. Got to meet Jack Reacher and he was just as nice and funny as he is on P.Com. The group from Cartersville was very good also.So thanks to everyone that came this week and brought food and made this week what it has been. Thanks to Jessica
  3. Well just 1 hour and 20 minutes untill time for the singing . You still have time to get ready so after you read this go and get ready or come as you are if you are decent I don't have any cd's to give to you like Jack Reacher but if you will come and tell me who you are I will give you a hug. I might even buy you one of Southern Scarlets Bracelets or maybe a bag of roasted peanuts. I had a man call me at home this week needing food. Folks this is the last night for this food fundraiser so if you can't come for the singing please bring a few cans of food by the church on your way out t
  4. I think Holden Trucking was a member on here but don't know the number.
  5. Well folks this is the night. The Zion singers are going to be at Simple Gospel Church tonight So if you people here on P.Com want to meet the famous Jack Reacher from P.Com then come on out at 6.pm and listen to some great gospel singing.Also Jack has offered a good deal with their cd's . Here is his offer. Let's do this..... For the first pcommer who identifies themselves to us on Saturday night: Their chocie between a free CD or "Singing In The Mountains" DVD. For the next 2 pcommers: Their choice of a free CD. In Addition: 100% of the proceeds from all
  6. See I told you he was funny. He should have been a Comedian . Folks if you don't come then I am going to have to come and get you. So don't make me have to come over there. I am trying to keep smiling.
  7. Well if no one shows up I will have to identify myself three times to get all three cd's. Just kidding
  8. Folks This is a revival with guest singers each night. I don't belong to this Church but I do belong to the Church of the living God. This my friend is just a building where people gather to worship God. So no matter what you call yourself if you have been born again we are brothers and sisters in christ. So why not come out tomorrow night and listen to some great singing by the Zion singers and bring some cans of food for the hungry. I have not seen the Zion singers in person but have listened to their cd and folk they are really good. Jack Reacher is a P.Commer and a very funny man on here w
  9. Good morning Sadie. Must have been one of those stars hung in your throat. We are glad that you didn't chock to death because we wouldn't have anyone to pick on.
  10. The bracelet she is talking about was made by our own Southern Scarlett from here on P.Com. She is great to help in any cause that will help others. She is just a big softy when it comes to helping people in need. That's why we all love her so much. Love will keep you smiling.
  11. Sorry I missed last night had a bad head ache.
  12. No they came in fourth. Enlisted won.
  13. Folks I just got home from Simple Gospel Church and the Victory Road singers were there. They did some outstanding singing. Sounded like it was coming straight out of Heaven. If you have never heard this group then you have really missed a lot because they are great. They are a spirit filled group. Sew-it-seams you had better have a really good excuse for not being there tonight because you really missed out tonight. Wish every body could have been there and heard what we heard. I had to get a cd to bring home. May God Bless Victory Road for blessing others through their songs. That kind of si
  14. Happy birthday Pubby . Thanks for everything that you do for all of us. Hope you have the best Birthday ever. Pubby even when you don't feel so well Keep smiling. You are a nice man.
  15. I found Kerosene today for $3.13 a gallon at PK oil on Sea Board drive. Just turn off 278 at the Comet trail bridge and it is there on the left. Bring your own can.
  16. Well if a picture is worth a thousand words you wouldn't have but five pictures. So quit bragging. Keep smiling.
  17. Only jerks don't stop for funerals. If you don't respect the dead you sure don't respect the living.And folks that's my final answer.
  18. Tonight at 7pm at Simple Gospel Church behind Baby Janes Resturant across from Ingels ON Business 6 below KFC. Hope to see you there.
  19. 'God does his best work in the darkest hours. He never slumbers nor sleeps.Praying that the lord will touch your husband with his healing hand and that he rests good tonight and gets nothing but good news tomorrow.May God Bless.
  20. Great advice. Don't beat around the bush.
  21. I read all post and they all beat $9.50.Thanks so much for all of the help. I will check them out. Remember keep smiling.
  22. Does anyone know who sells kerosene that won't rob you? I called hd and they want$ 9.50 for one gallon.[ Unbelieveable] that is about 3 times what premium gas is . I was going to get him a five gallon can because I bought it from them years ago in the five gallon can. He said they were out of five gallon cans but they had 1 gallon cans for $9.48 a gallon. I know a place they use to sell it where you brought your own can and pumped it for you . Don't know if they are still in business or not. If you know of a place that is cheaper please post on here or send me a PM please. Don't know if you wo
  23. Naturegirl I know someone that can have fire in his fire place because of you.Thanks and God bless.
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