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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. That was the initial vote when they first went into deliberations,, but after going through the evidence in detail they voted not guilty.
  2. This kinda chit really helps things.... well, it is CA. "Zimmerman protesters raid LA store, stop freeway" "Protesters ran through Los Angeles streets Monday night, breaking windows, attacking people on sidewalks and at one point raiding a Wal-Mart store, while others blocked a major freeway in the San Francisco Bay Area in the third night of demonstrations in California over George Zimmerman's Florida acquittal in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin." http://www.ajc.com/ap/ap/crime/zimmerman-protestors-block-bay-area-freeway/nYrY5/
  3. I must have misread the post, I didn't notice a "color" attached
  4. My wife says that to me all the time, except she don't say "sir".......wait, maybe she is saying "I need you to do that". Maybe that's why she stays pissed off.
  5. And the MSM continue to fan the flames to make sure the public stays riled and hot.
  6. Is it because it rhymes with tes...
  7. Not low income, it's the NO Income. Low income people are working.
  8. Maybe he got that "Fact" out of the "democrat underground".
  9. First thought popped into my head..........Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
  10. Maybe the NSA picked up his post and programmed the drones accordingly ....
  11. Don't need much of an excuse, kinda like the price of oil...somebody farts in the middle east, it goes up.
  12. This article from Jesse Lee Peterson, who is black, has an awful lot of truth. "Blatant hostility and racism toward whites is common among black youth. Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel admitted that where she comes from the term “cracka” is a common term used to describe whites." http://www.bondaction.org/content/article/37076/Black%20Racism%20Killed%20Trayvon
  13. That bad boy got some wings ....
  14. Same for a school teacher, it sure ain't for the money, you gotta love what ya do.
  15. Maybe Holder/Obama should also investigate this one....oh wait, this one is Black on white, in fact 4 black on 1 white....not important. "Mableton fatal assault not racially motivated" http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/police-mableton-fatal-assault-not-racially-motivat/nYpGG/
  16. No headlines, no protest, no bashing police cars, no setting fires, no outrage from the left, No NOTHING !! He didn't invoke the fifth BTW.
  17. Ain't that where all them retired Yankees go? No disrespect, I don't blame them.
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