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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I understand Loving Arms is absolutely awesome!
  2. Content was good conversation. I really enjoyed it. Good job Pat and Patti! This studio idea sounded very promising.
  3. Why is a pair of pants referred to as a pair? It's one piece of clothes.
  4. Not sure......could you be a little more specific?
  5. Good thoughts and best wishes for your family. If you need any help, just let me know.
  6. Here you go Low. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070227161344AARfRcw
  7. I'm in Yorkville. Didn't hear a thing, neither did DH who is outside in this weather. Guess my voice is not the only thing he can't hear after all.
  8. For anyone in these areas be aware that wells have been known to collapse due to even mild earthquakes. At least that's what I was told. Makes sense to me through.
  9. We are. Just the two of us with lots and lots of homemade finger foods!
  10. That one is not funny, it's annoying.
  11. Still alive and kicking at age 75. 75?????
  12. We already have one. It's called Paulding.com
  13. That's the truth! They are made to be replaced.
  14. With all the good advise given above. If it were me, I would go to a pro and have them explain it to you. For the first year anyway.
  15. If you have ever been to Disney in Ca or Fl, there are always a ton of overseas visitors there.
  16. OK, ill just say it......guys, I have no idea what you are talking about.
  17. Wow! That's a family story that goes on for years I bet.
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