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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Will you clean our upstairs carpet too? Pretty please? It's a zip code thing. Our address, here in Paulding County, is Temple. Temple is a Carroll county town, we are not even close to Carroll County. O well. When we bought our first house in Cobb we had a Dallas address. Same deal, we weren't able to get folks to come to/deliver there either.
  2. They don't service this area. Same deal with zero res.
  3. After reading Ponytails posts and what people have posted here, all I can say is Wow! In the words told to Hugh Grant, Mr. Jones, what in the hell were you thinking?
  4. I just love that the dogs feel the need to raise Cain over the wind blowing.
  5. Call the water department and see what's going on. You're paying for it. You're due an explanation.
  6. This airport would be a benefit to the county if it is done right. I've seen really nice areas around airports. Alot of the posts seem to take a position that these folks would be running the day to day business of the airport. That's not right as far as I know........I don't think David Austin is going into the flight control tower or anything like that.
  7. I don't know about the dieing part LPPT, but I will say this, it is a game. Very, very clearly a game. You have an issue that scares you and you end up in the ER......you are in the game. Firmly in the game.
  8. There are bad areas in Dallas, Hiram, Rockmart...........Rome, Cartersville and the list goes on and on. The airport in Sarasota is surrounded by very, very nice neighbors. I think you have a big bone to pick with this counties goverment and you are using the airport as the vehicle, simply because you have to try and "get" them. For what? I have no clue.
  9. I'm just glad I don't have to do barn duty anymore. The wind is what got to me.
  10. Really guys? You drive up to a drive through at a barbecue joint and expect the employees to be greeters? In Paulding county? It's a business and granted, they should be more professional. But, at the same time. You're shocked and amazed? Realize who you're dealing with.
  11. If you say that after Annie Lenox, I don't guess you're just not much into it. She reached into the heart. I've liked Annie for a long time. Where do you get to see so many talented people at the same show?
  12. I agree. What's the deal with him? He seems to go off when white people win against African Americans.
  13. Yup, that's how they live. We would trail ride through the woods and you would notice small stone altars in various places.
  14. It's been a while since I've been there but Talladega national forest had lots of rainbow people milling around the park. All of the sudden all the camping/horse gear had to locked up for fear of someone stealing your stuff. Shame.
  15. Ohhhhhh.......that sounds glorious! I'll do it before I die. What an adventure! Haven't done it yet so I can't offer advise.
  16. What kind of ego does this guy have? Pretty fragile I guess.
  17. I thought it was because he defeated ISIS all by himself. Oh, I also heard he's a shoe in for an Oscar.
  18. I seem to remember Mrs. Howard putting Pubby down with a comment along the lines of ....."one of us has a degree in ------ and it isn't you." So yes, she understands the concept, she's just baiting. She enjoys it.
  19. After thinking more about it, you guys are right, education has no place in the leadership of this county.
  20. Like past presidents, he was not required to do so. Get over it already. Confirmation of a degree is good enough for me. In fact, he was Ivy League educated.
  21. How's that? http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/can-scott-walker-be-president-without-a-college-degree-b99438682z1-290699531.html?ipad=y
  22. Good luck to Walker. He did compleat three years but dropped out. He will be the first President with no higher education since Hoover. Different time NJ.
  23. Actually, me having said it, it holds no water. Know why? Because that's my opinion.
  24. I agree with you on this Greatma. Most other members of county, city, state governments have a college education. Anyone who doesn't is viewed as uneducated and will not be viewed by others as being able to play on a level playing field. They are instantly viewed as inferior. Sorry guys, but that's the truth of it. Leaders should have accomplishments. Like a degree.
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