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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Please post a link so we know what you're talking about.
  2. The dems are in the pockets of terrorists how? And what censor?
  3. I heard it was not a gun ban but to propose language to limit the sale of assault weapons ONLY.
  4. Seems people are approving more of Obama. Thanks goodness the crazies haven't taken over completely. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_approval_rating Here's info. Post Orlando. http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Obama-Poll-Orlando-Massacre/2016/06/15/id/733989/
  5. This is what the OP is encouraging. Count me out.
  6. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assault%20rifle
  7. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assault%20rifle
  8. Trump could not get money from the big name doners. They wanted nothing to do with him. Why? Cause he is a joke, clown, etc. and they knew it.
  9. Look into how Trump funded his campaign. He has put a bit of money in but really has not done anything many, many politicians have done. Seriously, you really need to look it up. Its amazing what a liar he is.
  10. Oh, come on now, it's all on how you present the bubble bath eh?
  11. I use it too but it's really hard on the fiber. I've had sheets split down the middle when making the bed.
  12. Does this have any impact on the end result? Last I heard dead is dead.
  13. Yup. Been there, you have to keep the door open when you're not using it. Keeps the, um, funk to a minimum.
  14. I realize that. What I also realize is that many others hate gays........for being gay. My choice is to wait for information that confirms a ISIS connection.
  15. I have not heard about ties to ISIS. What I have heard is a tie towards hatred of gays.
  16. This is the time for people to come together and not a time for any show of division.
  17. I'm not looking to explain a liberal to you. I do think your idea of liberals, Democrats, is totally off the mark through. Case in point, Walmart pays their people such a low wage that their workers qualify for food stamps. Therefore the government is subsidizing their cost of doing business. Do you think that's right? BTW, the blue states pay more to keep the unfortunate afloat and most of these people live in the red states. Do you think that's right?
  18. Who are these "liberals" Stonewall? I know of no liberals like this. So, tell me, where are they? How do you know them? How do you know these apparent losers are all liberals?
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