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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. It's been a mini "frog floater" here in Yorkville. Maybe we will be able to mow next week without stirring up a dust cloud.
  2. LOL Btw, I do not think all republicans are evil. Now, the Tea party? That's up in the air.
  3. Was I trying to tell you what you were saying? Note the question mark GD. And if the GOP are not smart enough to handle Trump, then perhaps they need to be in the background for a while. BTW, ALL of this was brought on by the GOP. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow.
  4. So, what you are saying is because the RNC is in such deplorable shape the entire country should accept Trump? As far as I'm concerned that's not a no, that's a hell no. It's time to put country first.
  5. Until someone, anyone can nail her without using bs reasons, and propaganda, I guess I will. How many years has she been investigated? How many investigations has she been subjected to? Yet no significant nothing to prosecute her. At what point is it more probable that this has more to do with partisan politics than actual wrongdoing? You tell me.
  6. GD, if I have a problem with the R after Trumps name it is the fact that the Republican Party is actually getting behind this crazy, lying, egotistical madman. Get real. This is such a twisting of the truth, it's laughable.
  7. Perhaps, but she is also smart, politically experienced and savvy and decidedly unflappable. I wonder how many of these countless investigations are politically as compared to morality motivated?
  8. This is a very informative article on Trumps start. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090215/how-donald-trump-became-rich.asp
  9. If the media reported on criminals religion, I wonder how many baptists would be identified? Or Catholics, or Jews? Maybe his religion wasn't part of his crimes?
  10. He's a real businessman? No, he is a made businessman and has been since the day he was born. Tough? His ego is far too fragile for him to withstand a political firestorm.
  11. Once the gates of hell open up on Trump, he will prove he doesn't have the mental fortitude to keep it together. Poor, poor Donald.
  12. One of her passengers was a pregnant woman and she caused brain damage to the man she hit. What an absolute selfish waste of youth. This story just makes my blood boil.
  13. Anyone with any sense knows that's just not true. The reservoir issue has been on the table LONG before any of them were on the main scene.
  14. But this all started well before the CAVE people were in power. ETA, and if I remember right all the mess about the secrecy is why the CAVE people ARE in power.
  15. I've seen info. about hot peppers that require waivers. I'm just curious why folks want to eat them. It would seem painful to me. But then again, I'm a lightweight when it comes it that kind of thing. Candied jalapeños are about as hot as I eat. They are pretty good on burgers.
  16. The first year I tried the garden did well.......the next 3 years, not so much. It's hot, buggy, humid and frankly boring to me. I mean numbingly boring to me. I do herbs in pots on the porch, that's more my speed. I think you have to have a garden in your childhood to really appreciate it. Guess it's just not for me. LOL
  17. From what I read, mothers who are illegals but come into this country to give birth are not given the right to stay here. The baby is a citizen but has to wait until they are 21 years old to petition the immigration court with the request that the mother be allowed citizenship.
  18. I see several other news sources are now reporting this story. They must have just posted because when I did a search before Fox was the only one with the story. Who cares?
  19. If anybody/anything is being criticized in this thread it's fox. What a ridiculous verse to apply to this situation Mrs. Howard. I mean REALLY?
  20. That is a weird story. Fox is the only site reporting on it too. Hmmmmm, that's weird too.
  21. Yet Congress won't approve funds to fight it.
  22. Genetics smiled on me in this regard but I do wish you good luck.
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