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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Healthcare should not be subject to a profit driven enterprise without regulation.
  2. How about let's let the federal government regulate health care. Because that's what happened.
  3. I would say the anti folks have certainly stepped up their game huh? Wonder where that money came from?
  4. War. The Feds are pretty good at that.
  5. Looks like Trump flew on his plane and also had a friend in Epstein. https://news.vice.com/article/the-salacious-ammo-even-donald-trump-wont-use-in-a-fight-against-hillary-clinton-bill-clinton Who cares?
  6. No. There is no personal gain for the other spouse that gets cheated on so that's a less than smart comparison.
  7. Hopefully I don't regret this but read this and see if it is any help. http://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/41349/what-is-causing-my-kitchen-drain-to-back-up-into-my-dishwasher
  8. Here's CNN's take on it. http://money.cnn.com/2016/05/13/technology/donald-trump-jeff-bezos-amazon/
  9. I'm starting to wonder about all the attention you pay to me.
  10. Personal insults and baiting. That's nice. Your slip is showing.
  11. "Mean" numbers are numbers arrived at by taking the sum and dividing that amount by the sum. In other words it is an average. It would only make sense that the cost of living in NY is higher than the cost of living in MS. Here are the numbers from the census board. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2014/acs/acsbr13-13.pdf
  12. I'm not understanding what the big issue is. Every bathroom I've ever been in has stalls for privacy anyway. Is it that people don't want to share the hand washing area?
  13. So then why all red states the biggest takers?
  14. Granted but they also have the largest population numbers. Again I ask, who/where are these liberals that are living life on the government dole? Do all these liberals live in red states?
  15. Who/where are all these welfare people that are liberals? As far as I know, Georgia is a red state. As are most of the largest federally fed states. What's the deal with that?
  16. Not into your particular brand of arrogance tonight. Enjoy your evening.
  17. I'm not much into this plant thing (some are into it big time) but I have grown roses and I think roses do well in the sun pretty much on their own. And as far as I know a rambling rose is one that does well with a support, like a fence that it can grow on. Good luck.
  18. And much of the meme you posted is challenged as well. Did you understand those parts? I don't think memes are a very truthful or wise information base.
  19. I don't think anyone is defending Denmark or defending their actions of 60-70 years ago.
  20. Yup. And often you find what the real story is huh? http://www.snopes.com/denmark-socialism-brutal-meme/
  21. LOL. I'll admit Kansas is a fair bit off my grid. Thank you Low for posting and starting this conversation. It's important.
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