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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I got to know an older couple who lost their only child, a daughter, in a car accident when she was 17 years old. I asked the woman how do you deal with the loss? She looked at me full in the face as said "You are stronger than you think". I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. nasty, stooopid critters aren't they?
  3. but but but....that deck in the back is great!
  4. Hellllooooooo there Copschick! Yep, several people have posted that they missed both you AND Tow (go figure - ) Hope all is good for you guys.
  5. Yup, Sophie should be around for many many years to come..............................iffen KRM doesn't kill her first!
  6. Yup, that's pretty much what I was thinking too. And the problem is it came into my head real quick!
  7. You know KRM, that means Theo is getting ready to be two too!
  8. I try to avoid excessive gases whenever I can. I have all I can handle between my dogs and cats. I mean it can't be worse then when I pull one of my cats paws! That gas peels the wallpaper off the walls!
  9. You are one of the best lumak! I would not trade the friendships I've made on P.com for anything.
  10. Hummmmm, it looks like its takes alot of time. I may do it this winter. I am going to try the Costo (thanks aw2008) brand. Thanks Surepip for taking the time and yes, you are still "da man"!
  11. Maybe he's not on line right now so I PM'ed him. BB, hopefully we can get some help and then we can have a bisque party.
  12. Just wanted to let you know it very well may be the Democratic version of the recipe. Just a heads up girlfriend.
  13. Soooooo hubby and I went to Gabe's Downtown last night for dinner because they had their Lobster Bisque as a special. Just wonderful stuff! Hot french bread to go along with it. Really really good. So anyway, oh master of the kitchen, please help a gal out and tell me how you make yours. At 12.00 a bowl, I think I need to get really really good at making this. Thanks, you da man!
  14. What a pretty girl! And you are right, you are a baaaaaaad, baaaaaad aunt. JK.
  15. As a few people have posted, this is not a well know practice. I would stop out of respect. But for Pete's sake please don't try to run me out of my lane because you think I am not stopping just cause I don't care. Perhaps I don't know about it. Oh, and BTW, please don't do it on my blind side of a curve. Thanks.
  16. Hope it works out for you and everything is just hunky dorey!
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