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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Google it. I have heard of a doctor in Mableton but I'm sorry I don't have a name for you. Dr. Byrd in Roswell is very good but very $$$$$$. Research it. Know what you are talking about so you can have an informed talk with your dr. Good luck.
  2. While I think what he said was crazy as well as stupid and wrong, what I can't get past is who the heck really cares what Hank JR. thinks? I mean the man is hardly a mental giant.
  3. Oh jeeze..quit that nonsense.... Quit dancing girlfriend and lets met for lunch.
  4. EXCELLENT! Bet the girls will get him under their "thumbs" in no time. You have some serious smart breeds there. He will be a pig in you know what.
  5. I would love to meet your critters and I would be glad to "spot" you while you introduce them. Any pits involved?
  6. Oh hell yeah it's a done deal. I am more than sure you will make it happen. Do you need help? Like when they open on Monday? No problem, I will be happy to do it. Just let me know.
  7. I am so glad to hear you got another dog! Best of luck! :yahoo:
  8. I am sure you were freaked out! I guess that kind of thing "just happens" with kids playing. Take a deep breath!
  9. Girlfriend.....get a hold of yourself.
  10. When I was there I just walked around, people watched (everyone wears black) and really enjoyed it. Go to your hotel info desk, I am sure they will have suggestions. Enjoy, it is a very, very different world.
  11. We used to like la Cocina when it first opened but now it seems they have let their quality go way down. I had a pork chop there not too long ago and it was evident that it was a very, very cheap piece of meat.
  12. Done. Guess they only stand up for each other when they are human. This is just wrong and makes me sad. So much for doing the right thing.
  13. Listen, this is the deal, I hate and despise that plant! Fine, it freaking smells glorious when in bloom.....whatever! Brush up against it or go under it while on the tractor and guess what? YOU GET CHIGGERS. Now, you think I hate privet? I really, really, really hate chiggers!
  14. Yep, that's the one I meant, is there another name for them?
  15. And, exactly WHY is it not in a Tiffany's box. Very pretty ring through.
  16. If the idea is privacy,here are so many other options. Like Camilias. So pretty.
  17. Now, you just KNEW I was kidding!
  18. Nope, can't show you a picture cause I am not too good at posting pictures. What I mean is if you have one privet plant, you will have privet everywhere! We live on acreage and keeping these plants at bay is almost a daily chore. And I have had more than one case of chiggers messing with this stuff. It just grows wild out here. Why are you considering privet? What are you trying to accomplish?
  19. I hate and despise privet. It gets everywhere. To answer your question, it's more like a bush than a tree. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
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