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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Agreed. Racism is ugly. So is looking at the hole in the sky in the NY skyline. So is having to comfort my friend of 35 years after losing one of her twin brothers on 9 -11. So is seeing his wife turn into a bitter, mistrustful woman. Sometimes life is ugly.
  2. Please don't be "sad" for me because I am fine. I am more "aware" than "afraid."
  3. Well, it was not a white redneck who engineered 9-11 now was it? And if I had a son who even looked middle eastern, I would sit him down and tell him what he was dealing with. I would also try to protect him from being foolish by putting himself in positions which would have FEDERAL AGENTS question his actions. They brought this on their own people. Do you really think they cared what they left their people to deal with? I am sure that was the last thing on their minds. We need to protect ourselves and keep our friends and family safe. Sorry, but that is how I feel.
  4. Absolutely, we need to be on high alert. Even, or especially, in small town USA.
  5. I get what you are saying but at the same time we have intelligence that they are not done trying to destroy us therefore I think it is more than prudent that we question what he was doing there. For myself, I really don't think I could bear another 9-11 and I am not sure I would care whose rights are stepped on to avoid it. If you were middle eastern, would you take pictures of an airport and power plant and NOT expect to be questioned? In this day and age? Really? Thats nuts.
  6. WOW! I am glad someone had their ears up. You would think there would have been a news story on it. Maybe everyone is on a hush hush status just cause it would get people riled up. Real glad they reported a scene that they thought suspicious. Don't think anyone fitting that description would go unnoticed taking pictures of an airport and an energy plant. Not in these times anyway.
  7. Jet Man, where did you get this story? I looked and can't find anything on it. Wanted more details.
  8. I think that all the agencies are on high alert so I think that they pretty much expect something to go on. I, for one will never forget. Any.of.it.
  9. I am very concerned. These people like to grandstand and what better way than the 10th aniv.?
  10. "looming on the horizon". Really? Please spare me the drama. Like another poster said just take care of you and yours and hope for the best.
  11. Exactly! Instead of calling the law why don't people extend an offer of help?
  12. I truly did not mean that in an unkind way. Sometimes you just have to throw your shoulders back, put your head up and go on. It will get better for you one way or another. I promise. It may suck getting there. But you will get there if you don't let it pull you down
  13. Baby face YOU are the only one who can open the black hole. We all have those days. Pull up your G D socks!
  14. Put the heat on? Huh? I have been so tired of the hot temps. I will be enjoying the cool for a bit. Put the heat on? You have lost your mind. Not anytime soon.
  15. Good. Thanks. I am sure you miss your buddy being so close. Now me, I am glad she is closer to me now. Glad to hear you are doing good. End of hijack guys.
  16. You know it is sad, but chances are someone DID ask this question at some time or another. How YOU doing Hun?
  17. Those things can be very confusing and very, very complicated. We had a devil of a time with ours. Finally got it right, at least I think it is.
  18. Pretty cool. Thanks so much for sharing.
  19. What? Five guys wasn't enough grease for you?
  20. I have always wondered the same thing.....it is wide open. The only reason that I come up with is people trying to catch the lights. I see a few intersections that seem to be the same deal. People, are you really in that much of a hurry?
  21. I hear what you are saying. I guess what I am trying to say is that people are just afraid for their kids and I don't think they really encourage that kind of mind set. Maybe they should. IDK.
  22. Or could it be that have have been told by their parents not to do that kind of thing? Lots and lots of crazies out there.
  23. Well, that just has to stink! I am truly sorry.
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