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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Pull up your socks dude. Maybe your negativity is shining through your applications. I do not post this to be mean but you may want to just pull up your socks. Truly, I am not trying to be mean.
  2. Hey, I know......someone should count all the negs. and pos. for, let's say 3 months and then we can crown a neg. King and a pos. Queen.
  3. I've been told that a fox will leave very little behind. Hey, at least you didn't have to see it.
  4. That happened to me too. It was like a blood fest. Never found out what kind of critter it was. It's unsettling to go out to see your chickens and walk into something like that. Sorry you had that experience.
  5. Laurie, I was half kidding and other than the few times that I have allowed some posters to get under my skin, I have no worries. You are right, I have no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the operation nor do I want that knowledge. I think it's a good addition to the board. If there is one thing that can be said about p.com it's that the admin. is progressive with changes to it's format. It's all good and it was not meant in a mean spirited way. I guess it's just too hard for me to pass up a chance to bust your chops.
  6. Awww come on, you didn't know who was the "giver" before this new feature? I can't wrap my head around the administration not haveIng total and compleat control of the board. Don't even go to the "I am not part of the administration" side either :rofl: I looked at some of mine and what I saw was really no surprise. I bet few will be surprised.
  7. Yup, it works on old posts. LOL Pubby, you better take cover. I have a sneaking suspicion that people are going to have a problem with this.
  8. Yes greed because they expanded to the point of being ridiculous and now they have to close stores that perhaps should not have been opened in the first place. When a corporation opens so many stores that the shopping public is saturated with them, yes, I call that greed. That isn't growth, that's more like wanting a piece of every clothing dollar spent. I wish them luck in their quest to become a super power in the clothing industry. They just wont do it with any of my money. I didn't shop there very often anyway so I'm sure they won't miss me as a customer.
  9. I understand what you are saying but like I said there is at least one of their stores in just about every shopping area around. Did they make a bad decision by expanding to the point that they are now everywhere? I get growth but that was just crazy growth and it seems to me that they want a piece of every clothing dollar spent. That sounds to me like corporate greed. Maybe they want to be the coke of the clothing world. I guess they all do. Wonder if any of the young people that they lay off will end up in a occupy wall street gathering.
  10. "sheeple?". Really? Why is it that when people get on this board and they find a difference of opinion that all of the sudden people are reduced to derogatory names? I am far from a "sheeple" I will invest in companies that invest in this country.
  11. They had too many stores here anyway, just like other mega stores there is at least one in just about every strip mall and free standing mall. Do you think it was this crazy expansion that is hitting their bottom line. How many of these stores are needed anyway? Why does positive expansion mean crazy expansion these days anyway? BTW, their quality used to be good now, I'm sorry but Old Navy is just crap and while Gap maybe a bit better quality, its marginal at best. You do what you want with your money. I will get proactive with companies that invest in this country I'm old
  12. No, I don't think they would fail. They just want to make trillions instead of billions. Their stuff, except for BR, is crap anyway. Do I expect them to invest in this country? Yes, I do because it was this country that built them. We all shopped at the gap at one time or another. Is it realistic to think that they will put loyalty before the all mighty dollar. No it's not. They have shareholders that they must answer to. I hate to see an American company run like a scalded dog when things get a bit tough. Sorry, but that is how I feel about it. I have read about a few co
  13. Sorry to see you go. Take the money that built your company and invest in china. You will never see me in any of your stores again.
  14. You know that had to be really painful. My BIL was eating a pickle once and sneezed, yep it flew up into his nasal cavity and lodged there. A few days later he sneezed again and, yep it flew out of his nose. I have laughed and given him a hard time about that for years.
  15. Congrats LR! Once the newness of it is gone and you get crazy bored touch base with me as I'm always looking for buddies to do a day trip with. Like up to Rome.....honeymoon bakery....yum! Congrats! Enjoy!
  16. Take a picture of the two of you during your weekend together then get a picture frame (they have some gorgeous frames out there) and send her the gift.
  17. Well, it certainly wasn't for a lack of trying!
  18. I guess this woman has deeply rooted stupid....and she is a doctor! Scary huh?
  19. OK. I just always think of bi as a medication made up just for me and my levels. Learn something new everyday.
  20. You can still send her food through the many companies on the net. I am assuming she can receive UPS or Fed. X
  21. I don't think that medicine was bio identical. With bi you get blood drawn, the results are studied and than a compound pharma has to make it up for you. It is made up for your needs and as far as I know there are no bi medication with a pre determined name.
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