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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Well that was nice while it lasted. IF you want to put it in a political light than I would have to say I thought it was about country, not party.
  2. No, I am sure you are not dead . There was no comparison between the two. I was more impressed by Clint's commercial too. The Beckham commercial was just something to, um, ponder on. :rofl:
  3. I didn't identify him to be anything but hot...I know I'm not going to sleep with him so he doesn't have to be clean. :rofl:
  4. Not exactly my taste but good God Beckham was hot. If you are female and didn't get a "jive" with this commercial, sorry, but you are dead.
  5. Doing well is the very best revenge.
  6. Maybe they will play it again NC. It totally rocked. I love Clint anyway....it was Dirty Harry all the way!
  7. Did you see the Clint Eastwood Super Bowl commercial? Right Freaking on! Loved it!
  8. rockysmom


    How horrible. For all involved. Things like this make you think....why?
  9. If I were her I do believe I would get the heck out of Beverly Hills. That's got to be unnecessary roughness.
  10. Yes, she did. I bet she had lots of men we would all drool over.
  11. I feel for her but at the same time I'm mad at her. Chances are she is so locked in her head she can't see the forest for the trees. Why would she marry a younger man...did she think she was that strong and confident? Hell, she is only 49 and gorgeous . I always felt a respect for her because from I read she was a strong minded woman.
  12. It's very hard to meet people here. Especially the area of Paulding I live in, which is the NW section of the county. People tend to keep to themselves and their families.
  13. Am I getting this right? Does the man have to agree to die? We have gone crazy.
  14. Sounds like you loved one another. I am sorry for your loss Riograce.
  15. Best of luck to your daughter. If you need help with anything, please let us know. I am sure people would be more than willing to help.
  16. That the good things in life are to be enjoyed and the great things in life come to you without invitation. They just happen. My mom never had the chance to enjoy the good things, I wish she had. Hey KRM, amazed you didn't know the very real value of heavy cream just every once in a while. I'm sorry my mother didn't tell me about twinkles dipped in half and half.
  17. Excellent! It's in a good spot to meet my best buds for a meal. One of them just loves, loves LOVES shrimp!
  18. Yes. Go to the ER. They will treat your kidney stones.
  19. When I was in a ER last year, they did a search on what meds I had been given over time. The hit they got was when I came off my horse and bashed the side of my head in. That was 10 years ago. Like I said, good luck and you might want to think about an avenue other than getting more drugs. They are not good for you and will rip you to pieces. What you end up with is a life spent trying to get more drugs instead of a real life.
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