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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Girlie, if it's coming to me it's pretty much coming to you.
  2. I'm close to the old Scotts off 101 and pleasant grove. It's weird out there right now. The wind is just a blowing. That's why I shut the windows in the barn. Never know.
  3. I just came in from shutting the windows of the barn.....felt like it's a brewing to be a storm
  4. K, that seemed easy enough. You know you may have created a monster right?
  5. Unless something has changed, I quit trying to post pictures cause it was just too much on a PITA! Sorry, but you asked.
  6. Cheese ravoli with sauce, garlic bread and chopped salad.
  7. I remember a cool, rainy day that I drank hot coffee and ate one of honeymoon bakeries cream filled horns. Yum! Those were the days!
  8. When I tried to open the link it required that I buy the New York Post app in order to read the article so I just skipped it. Perhaps there is another article that you can post?
  9. Positive, good community involvement and to me anyway, massively cool. Great job lady! :clapping:
  10. When I was in grammar school, a hundred years ago, they always had a time set aside once a year for height, weight, eyes and teeth exams. This was a private school and my mom never had a problem with it. In fact, she was glad for it. In fact, the eye exam confirmed that I needed glasses.
  11. Healing thoughts and best wishes for a good recovery for your niece. I'm very close to my nieces and I would be very, very worried too. Best of luck.
  12. What I am curious about is what doctor would prescribe these kinds of drugs to a person with her abuse history? If she were in a in house rehab I would understand but she wasn't. Why was she allowed to get these drugs?
  13. You just got +1000. I can't believe the venom either.
  14. I'm saddened by this news. She has given so many of us memories with her songs. She also made me mad, mad because she didn't have the respect for herself that was needed in order for her to survive. Maybe she thought she was above the problems she had. IDK. I'm sorry for her family and I'm sorry that she had to go out like this. Her legacy deserved better.
  15. WOW. So much drama. I hate Facebook. Seems to me it's so much more trouble than it's worth. Also, I've heard so many bad stories about consequences because of it. I've heard some good stories too but the bad far out weights the good.
  16. I feel sorry for the dog.
  17. I understand the fathers concern but my mom always said to keep the family business in the family. I'm just sorry he felt the need to put his families business on the Internet.
  18. I came down 278 and you really can't even tell where it's coming from. At least, I couldn't.
  19. Spaghetti = guts. Get it? In the words of CE......... HA!
  20. Please tell me you are not eating their guts.....
  21. That's awesome Mr. Dis, I'm sure you are both very relieved. :yahoo:
  22. It's a zip code thing. My address is Temple, Temple is in Carroll County and is about 15 miles away.
  23. All you have to do is post in the political forum about some good news relative to the job market. You'll get jumped on in mere moments.
  24. Glenn, I'm sorry. The folks out in this neck of the woods are very, very hesitant to cut lose of their dollars. I wish you the best in any future endeavors.
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