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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Turns out that the system was built to handle a much, much smaller amount of traffic. Isn't it grand that so many are trying to get on the website so they can register? That's the truth of it. I'm sure, with some time, you know, more than ten days, the system will improve.
  2. Thank you. Many here have this memory in their lives and the visual is jarring.
  3. I'm sorry for you troubles. But PLEASE change your avatar. It's disturbing.
  4. Quit listening to Rush and maybe it will go away. Lord knows that man does create noise in people's head. Just joking DHK. I can only resist so much.
  5. Why don't you post a link to support your thread? You're smart enough aren't you?
  6. But just yesterday, your hero, Rush Slimeball, was saying that the AP was garbage. Please don't tell me you are going against your hero.
  7. Yes. Know what the people who won't support the law strictly because of politics, say? Tough! Not my problem! Wonder what they would say if it was them or their families stuck like this.
  8. Well, the ones I've seen it's a 99 year lease, with renewal options. But I get what you are saying.
  9. Yup, just like many of the homes at many of the lakes in this country. It's called severing the improvements from the fee estate and once done it's two separate interests. ETA: I believe properties at Lake Rabun are structured like this except the fee is owned by Georgia Power.
  10. I hate to hear this. Strength and good fortune to the family, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  11. No, I didn't miss that. Isn't that what we have now? Isn't that why we have state insurance commissioners? Is that plan working now?
  12. So, you don't believe in any regulation of the health care industry?
  13. Really? Where? Thanks.
  14. Found this today and thought some folks could benefit from it. http://www.gerlltd.org Gelding a horse for $100.00 is a real good deal and I think it's wonderful that it is being offered.
  15. Right now, in this political thunder storm that we are in, I can't let them get away with BS......I'm getting there, but right now, I just can't. I'm pretty convinced that there are some here that read this stuff as bible. Scary, I know but they are out there. I want them to see the other side so they can at least know.....there is another side. Luvscats, please don't let them run you off as far as posting. I've been there, not a good feeling, to think that hate is generated through a community message board. I totally get that. But this is the thing, if you feel strongly enough ab
  16. DHK, your hero has sold his soul to the devil. Money is his God.
  17. See DHK? Your hero has sold his soul to the devil.
  18. See, that's the thing, there's too many to post. This is a well known FACT and yet you follow him like the lackey that you evidently are. Instead of telling everyone who disagrees with you that they should educate themselves, you should educate yourself fella. That you think I should qualify my response based on your "rules" is hilarious and that you think I would follow your orders is even funnier. :rofl:
  19. Yeah Luvscats, be like DHK, form your political leanings around a paid shock jock whose lies are well documented.
  20. Doesn't seem to matter to the extremists nut jobs. Her words play to their mind set.
  21. Do you have anything to say? Edited to add: Your link didn't lead to anything specific, looked like a link to hula is all,
  22. I like to make cards for special folks. Pinterest is a pretty good Mecca of ideas. Between that and Rubber Stamp Fantasy in Marietta, I get lots of inspiration. And I agree about the recipes.
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