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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Pubby, I'm very, very disappointed, but not surprised, that a rather large part of their argument has no basis. None whatsoever. Pretty amazing. Thank you for the insight Deep Green.
  2. Well, I have to say "hell's bells!" You mean ALL the gashing of teeth that been going on about this business plan is based upon the fact that there is no obligation to share their business plan and they do not have to have their plan shared or approved by the anti airport crowd. Did you folks not realize this? I thought you had some high power legal representation. Why are you demanding the business plan from the county? From what I'm getting, they don't own it either.
  3. SS, I don't believe I've ever seen that poem. :sniff:
  4. It was a pretty crazy day for me......I had a gumdrop for dinner. Just the way it worked out.
  5. Sorry, I grw up in apartments with radiators. Not much coal or these type of stoves in Queens, NY.
  6. That's awesome Hun......glad to hear she is able to act just like she is hard wired to act, she is working her blood. You did real, real good.
  7. Ahhhhh........thanks Dana. Long standing members with a lot of posts throw me off. I know your post wasn't addressed to me but at the same time I fell in too....so thanks, I'll be on the lookout now.
  8. I don't think the point was to assign blame. The fact of the matter is that people are feeding the internet with personal information forgetting that this information is being cultivated by people that are sales driven. In other words, files are being complied on individuals.
  9. They have a few different sizes....I'm in the bed right now but I think I have their number so I'll let you know in the am. It is packed solid with meat. Very filling.
  10. No, strangely enough they don't. When you go by there ask them if they will give you a pot pot pie. Let us know what they say.
  11. I love pot pies. They have chicken, sausage, sloppy joe, pot roast........Major Mmmmmmmmmm. Wish I'd found them in the beginning of the winter. Depending on your appetite, one six inch could feed two people. I like knowing I have an easy, good meal in the freezer.
  12. Just to let you know, there is a tiny store off the square in Marietta that makes pot pies....and only pot pies. They sell them frozen and you bake them at home. The name of the store is Paul's Pot Pies. Full of good tasting meat, I mean FULL of good tasting meat. Just an FYI for all you busy folks that enjoy good food. Hope you like it as much as we did.
  13. I always assumed it was by design. That's how the mothership directs you to behave. And you're welcome.
  14. Just a side note to the hearts and flowers.......if you ever want to have a sincere conversation with someone, you would do better to drop the condescending tone. It makes for a rather unpleasant exchange.
  15. Yes, and I only have good wishes for you as well. Nobody should have true hard feeling over politics, just feel sorry for them and walk away from them with the hope that one day they will see the truth.
  16. And I wish you the best as well. You need it, much, much more than I do.
  17. If you have ever read a hate filled post from me it was a response to an attack. Me take it personal? No. Can't take the people who do the attacking very seriously, I just don't respect them. Just like I don't respect your squirrelly nonsense. You and GD need to be boyfriends because you both deny being behind any political party but yet you sure sound alike. Does that mean you are a neoconservative too?
  18. Like I said, save it......I don't need your pity. I have a fabulous life. I don't pity you per se because chances are you are smart enough to know how to engineer your hate and resentment. I guess I pity the people who have to be around you and have to listen to the gloom and doom and hate filled politics.
  19. Tell you what, you save your pity. Save it for your misguided party and your hate filled politics.
  20. Fox thinks that it is right for them to lie. http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=23679
  21. They lie NJ and somehow they, as a NEWS station, think it OK. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/10/25/797064/-Fox-News-admits-they-lie-and-distort-the-news-so-why-so-pissy#
  22. Government over reach? Marriage, as far as the law is concerned is a contract. Plain and simple. No? Other matters, like financial concerns, become part of the argument but I'm not sure it's over reach by the government. Over reach by one of parties, perhaps. One, or both parties are looking to break the contract. To throw out the concept of contracts, won't work either. Is it not one of the foundations of our law?
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