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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I guess the moral of this story is if you live in a neighborhood, please keep your pets behind a fence or in your house. You want to think of doing this because some people will shoot your pet. Evidently, it does not matter if it's the first time your pet wanders into another's property or if it's the tenth time, you will lose your pet because they will not hesitate to shoot them. Just so everyone knows what they are dealing with. Amazing.
  2. 76 degrees in Canton in the summer? Really? When? 2am?
  3. I'm sorry if I upset you. I just wanted to elaborate on how mean some people can be. It's a rite of passage for them.
  4. I have a neighbor that has like 15 cats, I believe they are all fixed. Every once in a while the dogs go nuts, I look outside and sure enough there is one of her cats. If the cat is far enough away, I just let Ralphie out. Somehow the cat rarely comes around. This happens without anyone losing their critter. Funny how that works huh? Some little boys and cats, especially kittens, don't get along real well as far as I've seen. Perhaps it's just the punks that act this way, I don't know. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. When I was a kid they would get their hands on a
  5. Have a blast. I just love Destin! Weather wise, I bet you'll be just fine.
  6. I've always heard that St. Joes was awesome and the place to go for heart related treatment. Best of luck Doll. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
  7. I've never had much luck getting the gals together for some fun. But, I do have to say, I had made a handful of good friends.
  8. Phew! You had me frightened for a moment. Yup RVing is GREAT!
  9. Camping? Ohhhh, you mean the tent, sleeping bag type of thing. Nope. Those days are over for me! Waking up at 2am in a sleeping bag needing to use the bathroom is NOT my idea of fun. Comfortable bed, bathroom facilities, electricity, refrigerator, freezer, cable, air, heat....THAT is my idea of camping these days! What's the saying? I ain't got no time for dat.
  10. Pulling a trailer, any trailer, comes down to how bad do you want to be able to do it. It's just driving, making wide turns and not getting the thing sideways. . Having a adequate vehicle is key. I believe we may have driven through that town but we hit about six different communities that day so I'm not sure. Of course we hit Silver Sands! One of my absolute favorite shopping destinations. Italian ices and candy included!
  11. LOL. Come to think of it, LPPT and I can't be Thelma and Louise. Those roles are already taken by me and KRM. So maybe we can be ......Lucy and Ethel?
  12. You got it! If you need meals, rides, etc. just let one of us know.
  13. I'm truly sorry you lost your cat.
  14. Just so you know, top notch vets, top notch....your cat is in the best possible hands. Not cheap but we are lucky to have them fairly close for our pets. Best of lucky Hun.
  15. Hey.....so long as I can be Louise........I'm good.
  16. I don't understand either and I'm sorry for your worry. Of course, I hope your cat comes through. Some just have a mean streak. Or lack of age, which just makes them stupid by defination. Hope your cat heals their way to good health.
  17. In an effort to lighten up the board for a little bit. Hey Guys, glad to be home! Get this........ Went to Destin with the woman of all trades....LPPT. Laurie, I really hope you don't mind if I tell of our adventures. We took the travel trailer and stayed at a RV park in Destin right on the beach for a full week. Great place. So.............. The drain hose reached the black water perfect........the gray water....not so much. Just some gore and shopping, problem solved. Doing fine. Rained for two days...went shopping...again, no problem......followed by three days of beach,
  18. I'm sorry for the loss of an old buddy. I love my old buddies, I know I'll be shattered when I start losing them. He was way too young.
  19. Thank you for the info. I have a dog with immune system issues.......it's nothing to fool around with.
  20. Happy birthday Baby Girl! I wish you only the very BEST that life offers! Truly, only the best!
  21. What jurisdiction? Tell him to get a good attorney.
  22. Natural Body at the Avenues, ask for Lisa. She is a sweetie.
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