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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Like who? Who exactly has the "store bought learnin?"
  2. I'm not trying to start anything but I have an honest question. Are one of you well versed in lease negotiations? Is anyone experienced in reading and truly understanding the contents of a commerical lease? Has anyone compared the leases with other counties and their airport leases to see if this a fairly standard lease when dealing with county/private parties? One other question, who shows their business plan other than possibly to their lenders, if any. Does Macy tell Gimbles? Again, just honest questions.
  3. I'd much rather be a member of a board that encourages the back and forth that happens on p.com than one that moderates with such an iron fist that it is, in fact, censorship of opinions that differ from the moderator. But that's just me.
  4. I've not heard a question about the viruses being contagious or capable of killing you.
  5. I can think of at least two members who use this site to speak their venom but are sweetness and light on another site.
  6. Laurie, you need something just let me know and you can consider it done. Know that Doll.
  7. What have I done to better my community? Let's see, I deliver clothes to St. Vincent's, bring food to people that are sick, pay for altering pets who have the pets but not the money to get them fixed, offer assistance when I can. When p.com was heading up those auctions for charity, I contributed items for auctions. I've helped at least two p.comers move and given some needed money for holiday dinners for those that can't afford it. Mostly through, I have paid our taxes......lots and lots of taxes. So, because I am in favor in expansion of the airport I guess I have been a freeloa
  8. Sounds like it BB, just please, don't make him get rough. Like that could happen anyway.
  9. I'm sure you say that with love in your heart Tundra. This is EXACTLY the kind of behavior that makes me not.trust.a.word.you.say. I'm not always right but I will look to confirm the information and post what I find, especially if it shows untruths. If you need to have a problem with that, sorry, that's your problem, not mine.
  10. Huh? You can pay to advertise your pages, because that is advertising and Facebook is looking for their share. You cannot force anyone to Like a page. Hits on your page, yes but likes, no.
  11. Gee Facebook says differently. AGAIN Tundra? Really? https://www.facebook.com/help/281084665319172
  12. Yes, the voting booth is the final word. I just don't appreciate the sentiment that the anti airport folks speak for the majority of the voting public, because I really don't think they do.
  13. Debunked? And Facebook didn't take it down? How? Boosted votes?
  14. Per Facebook, 1,077 likes for anti airport issue and 4,241 likes for the airport. https://www.facebook.com/SilverCometAirport. https://www.facebook.com/savepauldingco
  15. To clarify, there was a poll taken on this topic where, as of July, 2014, when the last reply was posted, there were more people for the airport (76 votes) than against the airport (60 votes). Now, granted this was before the most recent move by the county but I did want to point out that more were "for" than "against" the airport.
  16. They are the the women surely you are most familiar with MH. The ones that lie and misrepresent facts to twist the opinions to agree with their stance. The ones that are just flat out mean and vindictive while women like BB are giving their time and effort to improve their county. The ones who like to come across as just "good country folks" thinking that it gives them a pass to act inappropriately at county meetings. Just because your husband cuts your hair it does not make you an honest, forthright person and please, get some decent support underclothes. I do not like liars and I don
  17. You see BB, these are the type of women you live amoung. No use in you trying to be forthright and honest. These women wouldn't know truth and honesty if it hit them right square in the face. It's one of the by products of being, unlike yourself, a uneducated backwoods hick. I've met BB, she is a quality woman crossroads and I will not stand by and watch you slam her. Personally, I live seven miles from the airport, and I'm glad to see another benefit to the county.
  18. Maybe, but then again, she might be one of those nut bag republicans. Sorry, wasn't going to pass up the chance.
  19. I just love when information is received from "an unnamed source." That, combined with the reporting website makes me believe NOT ONE WORD. If he did it, he did it. The thing to do now is contain it.
  20. Lawyers are paid to delay, delay, delay. With each delay, it wears you down. There are many good attorneys who know how to get around this tactic but they are with the type of firms that have a reputation to protect. Being involved with a court case is all about the money and when you go up against an entity like a county government you can expect to have your clock cleaned. The one who advises a client to sue the county is the one at question, to me anyway.
  21. I never took it as political. If there is bad form it's the lack of the apology for telling you that you were full of it.
  22. OK so there seems to be doubt about the CDC'S ability to do their job. What is the alternative? Use your own common sense.
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