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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Whenever I go to a doctor, any doctor for anything under the sun, why do I walk out with a script? I have had occasion to speak to a few drug reps. They swear there are no kickbacks between the drug companies and doctors, no way, no how. I wonder. When I walk into a Drs. office and there are magazines about safaris, I think hummmmm. There has to be an award for all these doctors prescribing all these meds. What to you think?
  2. Wrong. I was just there. A pack of cigs is no more than 12.00 in Queens but you can find them cheaper if you can buy them by the carton.
  3. 16.00 a pack is standard for cigarettes in NYC, but you can go to Queens or the island and pay less for them. Also, one fact that is being overlooked is that many, many people wanted the smoking ban. The taxes are steep but everything is steep in NYC.
  4. You got this Lucky. Best of luck.
  5. Dude, saw the cat but didn't see a tree that looked like Christmas. No offense.
  6. I'm just sorry nobody ever felt the need to tell me what the real deal is. They really let me down.
  7. Nah. It's a pretty small segment of society. What? You live in the ghetto? Is that all you are surrounded by? No, I think not. So, what is making you to feel so disgusted with life? Not for nothing but the world is a big, small place. To me, I know very little about that life. I bet many here know nothing about that life. By that life, I mean the ghetto.
  8. My take is that he was raised by people who didn't give a crap. Never encouraged, never given positive direction for his life. Is this our problem? While I hate to say, it would appear it's all our problem. That's society, I guess.
  9. From what I've heard, that would be who I'd go to.
  10. Dude, what in the hell did Obama have to do with the raising of this kid? Really.
  11. That stuff doesn't matter. He was a cop, therefore he was above reproach from the court of public opinion.
  12. I understand that the Jags electrical system was a real problem. The body styling during that period was my favorite jag. Pearl white with the tan leather interior. Rag top please.
  13. Wish you knew where he was.....maybe I could give him direction.
  14. Thing is, there is not a reason in the world to be "stuck" in a taxi in NYC.
  15. I truly love New York during the holidays. Brings a tear because I'm not there.
  16. It's funny you bring up New York.....I'm sad right now. The Christmas tree at Rockerfeller Center is being lit tonight. I'll tell you what, there is absolutely no better place to be than in NY during Christmas time. You know, to get you in the spirit.
  17. Stuck in a cab? Tell her to get the heck out of there NOW!
  18. Not into judging, but I'll say this......... Nevermind. What I think is funny, others don't.
  19. Oh. Sorry. One last question. Are you smart? Reason I ask is I don't get along with stupid dogs. Or terriers.
  20. Well, are you long or short haired?Do you shed? Are you protective? Are you aggressive to other dogs and cats? Are you part hound? If you are, no can do, you stink. Are you housebroken? Other than at Blondies house, can you handle a kennel?
  21. Doesn't mean his name and family won't be persecuted. Yo.
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