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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I will never, ever forget Manson, nor will I forget the life magazine picture of him. Evil incarnate. She must be attracted to his evil. I also read Helter Skelter. Sharon Tate was what, 8, 9 months pregnant? That's wayyyy over the top. I wish they had tried him as well as those pigs that killed Sharon Tate in a state with the death penalty.
  2. I actually have a picture of a cat, no dog, hanging out a window in Italy.
  3. I have a dog from the shelter. The story about these two was we went to Paulding County to get a kitten. Now, get this......there was not one kitten in the place! We came home and I tried to get on the Cobb website and these two popped up on a rescue site. My husband and I both feel it was meant to be that we have these two. Gracie wandered over here cause she's one of those that gets their butt beat by almost any other cat in the world, if you know what I mean. I don't have the heart to get rid of her.
  4. Yeah, I have 2 evils rats myself that I truly look forward to hanging out with. Tuxedo Manx brothers who are personality plus. Plus Gracie, who is our garage kitty. She is such a heathen, she is not allowed in the house. But she is fed and has a warm spot in the garage to sleep.
  5. Sometimes I think that if I didn't have my dogs, I'd hate the majority of people. Dogs are a soft spot of mine so that need is gladly satisfied.
  6. I really only like a few songs that he was involved in. Mostly just liked looking at THAT picture of him. Love the Beatles as well as the Wizard of Oz but I won't hurt you over it.
  7. Night, night fellas. Go pick a fight, or keep trying to bait someone else.
  8. Where did you go to school Zorro? This is a light hearted thread GD. What say we keep it that way?
  9. Now that's just sad. Trying to mix politics and chocolate.
  10. Yup. There IS that too. Trust me fellas, get your women chocolate for the holidays and beyond.
  11. Pumpkin and banana cream without a chocolate crust? Are you kidding? Were you raised in a cave by wolves?
  12. AND what about cakes and pies? :sniff: No chocolate praline cake with whipped cream this year? What has life come to?
  13. But...but....the holiday season as around the corner. We need chocolate for cookies! You guys need to make sure that your women have chocolate so that cookies can be made. No?
  14. If I could go anywhere, without taking the bank account into account, I'd move to the middle of the upper east side of Manhattan. Of course that won't happen but I really think both me and hubby as well as the the dogs would be very happy there. Even when you don't feel like doing anything there is so much going on, you just can't help yourself. In other words it's an inspirational locale. Other than that, I think I would be interested in checking out Southern California. I'm curious if it is what it looks like.
  15. Hummmmm........looked pretty cold in NYC. Maybe she froze her pants off huh?
  16. I'm not either. I just hope they have fail safe storage for their guns, so they are less likely to get into the wrong hands.
  17. Where do you get these ideas? I mean beg them to keep you safe? So, I guess we shouldn't call the cops when we feel threatened?
  18. We used to eat cannibal bites. Raw, good quality chopped beef with kosher salt. I make sure I buy good quality, from a quality source meat. If you like very rare beef, try it. It's meant to just be a bite though. Somehow it's enough.
  19. Hey fella.........maybe you can enlarge your world? Then perhaps, you would not feel the need to even think about mimes. I say, let's talk about turkey legs instead. Maybe stuffing? Or homemade cranberry sauce? Wait! Pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream? Yup, that's the winner! Guess I have to start my own thread to satisfy my strange affliction huh?
  20. Maybe most people want more than that. I'll tell you what, there are a lot of wackos out there. Perhaps a written test to show what your true motives are and how you would handle the decisions in a real life situations would help? IDK.
  21. Yup. Most left leaners follow the same rules.
  22. Winter, finally can wear jeans and boots.......that part is good. Winter, building fires in the new wood stove......that part is good. Winter, dogs running like maniacs cause they are cold.....that part is good. Hot tea in the morning somehow is so much more satisfying.......that part is good. Holiday season.......that part is good. Chapped lips, runny nose, dressing like the Michelin man......that part not so good.
  23. From what I understand there is a vest worn by the dog which identifys them as a service dog.
  24. NJ, from Surepips post I would think they were trying to discrimate against his SIL as well as his grand daughter. No? I doubt any of them will take the extra care to review the paperwork. They are going to go on what their eyes tell them to think. No? Unless they raise eight different kinds of hell that is.
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