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Beach Bum

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Everything posted by Beach Bum

  1. And the flip side to that - YOU also add entertainment to all of this (insert rolling eyes emoticon here).
  2. Oh Good Lord - do you not have anything better to do than sit around and think about this ridiculous stuff all day long? Really? News flash - you could find minor conflicts of interests in most situations if you look long and hard enough. You can find fault in most situations in you look long and hard enough. The flip side to that is that if you actually look long and hard enough, you can find positives with most situations. I don't see a lot of other people willing to serve in leadership capacities in our county. You know why - it is because there will always be negative naysa
  3. Oh the drama (where is that wiping the sweat off my brow emoticon). Lining their pockets, strip joints, etc. - do some of you people ever run out of conspiracy theories? I'm sorry to be condescending but this is just laughable.
  4. No, I don't think I did. But if it makes you feel better, you keep telling yourself that........
  5. So does Rockster have a business or work in a business located in Paulding County? The Directors of the Chamber might not all live in Paulding County; however, they do have business interests (their jobs) here. Maybe you don't understand about having a vested interest in the area in which you work? Oh and by the way, I'm afraid that you are sadly mistaken if you believe that YOU get to dictate if Brett Smith needs to get the heck out of here and back to NY. The world and Paulding County doesn't even come close to revolving around YOUR desires or MY desires. There are in excess of 140,0
  6. Obviously a typo - WE all make them sometimes.
  7. That is wonderful! I love to see happy, well-adjusted people and if I could make everyone in the world happy, I would do it. Life at our age can be wonderful regardless of what younger people think. Paid for houses, children and grandchildren and the list goes on and on. I, like you, don't get any form of government assistance, never have and hopefully never will. I work now to continue to deposit money into retirement accounts so that I can plan not for just my future but for the future of my children and grandchildren. You never know when someone in the family could have a catastroph
  8. Everybody in Texas is confused about the weather - been a crazy winter. It is going to be around 80 for the next several days thank goodness. I hope your son is doing well!
  9. That was a great trip down Falcons memory lane stradial! You so eloquently led us through your many years and supporting the Falcons - you are a TRUE fan! I agree with your analogies - especially Dan Reeves. Dan Reeves equals CLASS ACT! Love that man!
  10. Darn.........I missed both ice and snow storms this year and now an earthquake. I really have to get back to Georgia - 1 month and counting!
  11. I feel really bad for you. You haven't personally added anything of substance to conversations here but yet you attack others when they say they don't have time to research one particular aspect of the argument at hand. What I said is that I didn't have time to research the links they provided as to the viability of second airports in major cities. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have this little thing called a life - family, work, etc. As I have stated many times before, I do trust our commissioners (with the exception of Pownall). We elected them to do a job and that is what the
  12. I don't believe either one of us are "aviation experts". You might want to do some research on the commercial flights out of Concord Regional Airport (outside of Charlotte). From what I hear, they are are thus far having great success. We have to invest in the future - bottom line. Thank goodness none of you naysayers are in charge of my retirement accounts. I would be going nowhere fast.
  13. I don't have time to read or research any articles on this subject; however, I think we all have to agree that our scenario is a little different here in Paulding County. This will be the secondary airport to the BUSIEST airport in the world - you will certainly have to take that into consideration.
  14. That is very nice and I'm sure the CPR would do the same for you and anyone else here. It is a great thing when a community pulls together for each other during storms, etc. I hope everyone stays safe and warm.
  15. That is a lot of snow - are you about ready for this winter to be over yet? Hope you stay safe! I bet you have used a lot of propane this year - glad you got a delivery and that you will be warm! Are you ready to go back to Sarasota yet?
  16. We are in the Houston area in Galveston County, right on Galveston Bay on the Gulf of Mexico. We have had a relatively steady, cold, lingering, and at times a downpour of rain since yesterday afternoon. The temps have been in the 40's today so no threat of the icy stuff here; however, this is the weather system that is headed your way. I know things can change but there has been a lot of moisture in this system thus far. I hope and pray that each and every one of you are safe and warm and that you don't have to be out on the roads.
  17. Where did I call him a name? Please show me where I have stooped to the level that several members of your group here, for example - the words "lying crooks" have been used several times by anti airport expansion people here. Also the accusation that our Commissioners were lining their own pockets, etc., etc., etc. I don't believe Todd Pownall is doing an adequate job in representing the citizens of his district. I believe he is conveniently playing innocent as to the airport so that he will not have to face the citizens on this issue. I think the "hear no evil, see no evil" theme fits
  18. Absolutely Delta is involved. They are strongly voicing opposition to the airport expansion and attempting to dictate to Paulding County government what they can do so, therefore, they are involved. And that is not even taking into consideration about the speculation of them fronting the attorney's fees for the citizens filing the lawsuit. I don't know positively if they are, nor do you know positively that they are not. What I do know is that the Plaintiffs in the lawsuit will not disclose who is paying their attorney's fees so surely you understand where the speculation comes from.
  19. No secrets - just a matter of confidentiality. Have you never, ever in your life worked on a project that required some level of confidentiality? Once again, Delta is involved now - I wouldn't let some things be known to them either. Delta has already shown that they can be pretty vindictive about the possibility of our airport having commercial air traffic. Never know what they might do next.............
  20. I am saying a prayer for you all. All we are getting in Houston is dreary old cold rain. I am worried about the storm that is coming your way and I hope that all of you remain safe and warm. I have lectured my children and grandchildren on everything you said above momof 3 - I hope they listen!
  21. I am not being dishonest Whitey. I thought this was the case but you know what, maybe I was wrong. Isn't the first time, won't be the last time. At least I have guts enough to admit I am wrong on occasion. If a business plan has not been submitted, I'm sure there are good reasons for it. I don't believe a business plan is submitted on each and every project our County Commissioners agree on. Remember - we elected them to make these types of decisions on our behalf and I do TRUST them (except for one). There is probably still at this point information that, due to the nature of th
  22. Actually LPPT seems to be very "in tune" with what is going on. Not only is she "in tune", she is very objective. Most people would find objectiveness to be a positive thing; however, you just keep slinging insults around at everyone that doesn't share your opinion. But you and others just keep insulting away Whitey - you are losing ground fast.
  23. But I do understand. Any concerned residents have been repeatedly invited to either call, e-mail or schedule meetings with David Austin. You have 3 avenues to choose from so it hardly appears anyone is trying to avoid the issue. Also, from what I understand, Blake Swafford discussed this plan after the Airport Authority meeting with several concerned residents.
  24. I'm so glad you had a positive experience Rockysmom! The Sarasota airport is a breeze and so easy to navigate. I would rather fly in there as opposed to Tampa any day! How was your trip? Did you stay in Siesta Key and what did you think about it? There are so many things to do in the Sarasota area and the beaches in Siesta Key are among my favorites. There is also such a diverse culture in the Sarasota area and some really interesting people.
  25. Here's an idea for you rockster. As you are the one with so many questions, why don't you simply pick up the phone, call Blake Swafford at the Airport, call one of the post commissioners or call David Austin, the Commission Chairman. They are very accessible and I'm sure they will be glad to take the time to talk to you. You could also e-mail them - their email addresses are listed on www.paulding.gov.
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