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Everything posted by jlh10101

  1. Put me down as as a maybe.
  2. Look down, I bet there is a chi sitting in it. LOL SUP IH2D....
  3. Good, it should be. The poor newbies have no idea do they.
  4. Pfft...... Cover your mouth next time.
  5. Ummmm, thought this was a reference to something else. Carry on.
  6. YUP, sittin' on tha eggs right now.
  7. No doubt...... Um, no, not happenin'.
  8. Pushing the big X. I'll try back in a day or three.
  9. Do you guys have pizza with all new ingredients too? How interesting.
  10. The nice one on Whitlock ain't so nice. I know someone that worked there. You are doomed. Work on the living will. BTW, I already told mom I would take care of her. Canned alpo is cheap and I have a pressure washer for when she starts to smell.
  11. Well done, H did that a few years ago at a FFA camp she went to. She loves shooting clays now.
  12. I need some help with household chores. Cleaning, laundry, yardwork, splitting firewood, Baths a few times a week for me and the dogs, bookeeping, Grocery shoping, and meal prep. If it isn't too much to ask, I like to be tucked in all cozy before bed too. I don't want to push it though.
  13. Damn, that's gosta be hell on the wheels of the doublewide. I can't believe they can handle the load.
  14. MMMMMMMMMMfish is yummy, especially raw fish.
  15. What portion, and what team? Some may want to know.
  16. NEA. Looking inward for the time being. The situation in our own country has triggered the survival instinct in me.
  17. Sorry, it wasn't in the cards. Hope going up and down is good for you for many years.
  18. Appitizer, breast meat chicken salad. Entre, seered white fish filet on a creamy alfredo sause. Dissert, Lemon cream pie. All served on a sweet piece of wood. Use your imagination. Balence is a wonderfull thing.
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