Anything that doesn't get it thrown where I can't go anymore. I feel so restricted. LOL
She is pretty incredible. I am a lucky dog. You didn't float away today subby, I heard you had a turd floater. LOL
Man, I have got to bring you one of these cigars. We need to sit and smoke for a while.
All you ol' bats couldn't resist this one could you. TP. Put up a Bat house. Bats are beneficial creatures. They eat the bugs that bite you. I know a guy that can build bat houses, not to be confused with Ol' bat houses that are staffed with servents and moth balls. LOL
Woo hoo, Flood control. That isn't what I ment though. I miss the fun times, not the forced fun, the sponpaneous kind that used to be here. NC almost touched on it tonight.
Chilli staying warm in the crock pot, check. 12 pack of diet coke, check. Bottle of Jamacan rum, check. Windows open, check.
Bring it on, I love a good late night storm.