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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. Why would I want to follow your spin that is so far from the truth, that you would have me to believe the sky is not blue but green.
  2. So now you are calling someone foolish, as far as the auto coverage, that is an apple to an orange. Driving is a priviledge, you do not have to purchase auto coverage if you do not drive, unlike the individual mandate that simply put requires that if you breath you must purchase a product.
  3. Mad Ox how would you know where I would feel right at home?
  4. You are intentionally avoiding the fact that if the funding factor for 0bamareidpelosi-care is stripped from the bill (the unconstitional mandate being the funding for the bill itself), then the rest of the bill providing coverage for millions of the now uninsured will have to be paid for in other ways (another entitlement program).
  5. Which will add trillions more to the national debt, after the mandate is ruled UNconstitional by the SCOTUS. Thank you 0bamareidpelosi-care without the funding mechanism in place. Having a need for healthcare is not a right, nor is it a right to drive.
  6. Was the reply addressed to you? Didn't think so, you are trying to start an argument where there wasn't one.
  7. Yep nuttin like a 4 year old pie chart in the wrong thread.
  8. Your wrong again Whitey, I can't believe you missed tha it was the TEA PARTIES fault.
  9. Thanksgiving evening 2006, Dabbs Bridge Rd. We were in a long line of cars for a "registration/dui/anything you could think of" stop. Waste of time for us, as we were doing everything we were supposed to be doing (not breaking any laws).
  10. Good point, with that being said is it really wise to be spending money we really don't have? Seems like that's a pretty hot topic on the national scene now-a-days.
  11. And you have 0bama-Reid-Pelosi to thank for it.
  12. I agree he really can't be serious with the majority of his posts, he's just trying to be relevant while stirrin tha puddin.
  13. Well he may not know BS, but he is definately full of it.
  14. The highlighted above has been happening for years, without 0bamreidpelosi-care. You must have forgotten your meds, as you are replying in the wrong thread.
  15. Basically this unconstitutional mandate to purchase a product, could be equated to If you are alive and breathing you will be forced to purchase a product, or suffer strict penalties enforced by the IRS.
  16. So now this belongs in the political forum since Pub wants to bring this to the blame the Tea party level.
  17. And just exactly how far along are we with the reservoir project? I would believe it should be shovel ready.
  18. So the people who live in New York city that ride the subway, ride in a taxi cab are federally mandated to purchase auto insurance. As far as the third world straw man that YOU brought into this thread, it has nothing to do with 0bamareidpelosi-care
  19. So which way will 0bama's appointee rule when it does reach the SCOTUS?
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