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Everything posted by beautymaker06

  1. if its medically needed. the ins seen it fit that my daughter have them.
  2. the letter said that we can see them through 3/31. they changed from dentaquest to avesis
  3. was just informed that my daughters orthodontist isnt in network now. Im afraid that im gonna have to have them removed and replaced
  4. My sister lives in there and we will be over there on Christmas day. So far the best ones we have seen was off of Friendship CH Rd
  5. they have an android app and theres also one in the App store for Apple
  6. yes i do. I have an Elvis guitar ornament for my mom a santa claus for my dad and my kids homade ornaments are on the tree as well
  7. Its off of Cleburne Pkwy. Its baggett ele, dobbins middle and hiram high. its a 3/2
  8. My nephew graduates tomorrow from there as well
  9. Felix family lights or off friendship ch rd that's off of ridge rd
  10. I got gas at Kroger on Brownsville and it was at 2.12 but it was suppose to be 3.12. It was 2.12 on the pump
  11. this is so so sad. how could somebody do this to these little babies?
  12. I have a tablet from sprint and I pay 19.99 a month for service for it.
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