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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. My sister is a radiation therapist and they have a few patients that are pretty hefty, plus they have cancer and have to get up on a table for treatment, and then show up unable to get out of the car by themselves much less get on the table. Who's responsibility is it to lift the 300 lb woman out of the car and onto the table? my 5 foot tall sister? If there is a facility better equipped to handle the special requirements of the obese, why not take advantage of it? unless you just want to cause trouble.
  2. suck down some Benadryl. those assholes get me all the time.
  3. Yes, and this is the result of the pussification of this country. When the leadership of the US finally decide to be true leaders and not politically correct, whiny assed jackasses who have no problem with running this country into the ground, then maybe America stands a chance at surviving.
  4. Actually, my youngest was learning Spanish from K-4th in Marietta City Schools. Then we moved here. I thought it was great to learn another language. But my personal opinion is that if you go to all the trouble to move to another country then YOU need to learn the language. YOU need to assimilate, YOU need to adapt. If you can't do that then YOU need to stay in your own country. If you want something new and better, then welcome! Welcome to the US of A! if you do it legally. If you can't be bothered with following the rules that the rest of us have to follow then truck off and stay where you a
  5. same advice stands, but you presented this case as yours personally. I can only take on cases for people who come to me personally.I do NOT want my Charlie's Angels license revoked.
  6. Ok, you lost me at "post for a friend".
  7. I've been here for 12 1/2 years. Unfortunately, I feel nothing for this county. My kids don't either. we just never connected. The oldest has already moved north of ATl and the youngest wants out, too. I want to move to where my family is, but I'm stuck here until I can sell my house, find a job, blah, blah, blah.
  8. Oh my goodness! what fun! However, I would also need permission to verbally chastise your son.
  9. No, don't drop insurance. and if you have spare keys, just go get it if you can. Hell, if you have spare keys, I'll go get it for you. I'm in a pissy mood.
  10. It sucks, but if my choice is hitting a tractor trailer head on or a bike, well.....personal responsibility is still King.
  11. I don't care what anybody went to school for. When you post something as fact that is incorrect, you lose a hell of a lot of credibility. Especially when you post over and over and over and over about the same crap. If you want anybody to take you seriously, at the very least you shouldn't post erroneous information.
  12. Where in the name of all that's holy are you getting these numbers?
  13. I guess I wouldn't have to worry about finding a job! I'd make sure my family knows where all my account information and passwords for everything are, clear out my house so the kids don't have to deal with all my mess, get everybody to go to the beach with me for the rest of the time and drink pretty frosty drinks.
  14. You know what's good? Cheese grits. They're delicious. With bacon.
  15. Yeah, I went to that office when I first move here. they charged me a $10 "sterilization" fee. That relationship did NOT last long.
  16. Well, yes. Of course they do. As they should. Are you under the impression that someone else should be responsible for this? Another company? A random doctor?
  17. You already posted this video in another thread. did you forget? there are drugs to help with that.
  18. This video is almost an hour long. no thanks. why don't you just educate us on the facts. Who do you think should educate doctors on the use of drugs?
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