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Everything posted by duttonjl

  1. Dr Terry Langford, LOVE HIM!!!!!
  2. Exactly! So very frustrating! Normally he goes right up 20 or up 278. I know there has to be some back way we just dont know it!
  3. We live off 101 in Union, hubby works directly across the street from Six Flags employee entrance. Does anyone have any suggestions for how he can get to work. Thanks!!!!
  4. Anyone know if Buchannan Hwy (from Roses) to 278 then 278 to Hiram ok?
  5. We little knew that morning, God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone. For part of us went with you The day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, But as God calls us one by one, The chain will link again. We love you Danny and miss you terribly. We will miss seeing our children run across the ch
  6. I recently loaded Internet Explorer 8 to my computer. Ever since I can not open attachments in my email. I use Outlook for my email. When I click on the attachment to open I get all what looks like a "hyroglyphics" writing (is what I call it). Can someone shed some light on how I can fix this. I have tried all I know to do. Thanks.
  7. Yes they do and they need the same lessons on how to use soap, toothpaste and deoderant as the ladies at Towne Center!
  8. The week of Thansgiving is a great time to go, when went the 1st time it was in July, NEVER AGAIN will I make that mistake. We went this past November is was wonderful weather! Are next trip is booked for Feb 2010. We can't wait!
  9. Anyone use Rhapsody? Thoughts and comments, good and bad appreciated. Thanks!
  10. We had one right across the street from us. Several of us took turns cutting it for about 3 months and finally one day a lawn maint. co started cutting it, we asked who hired him and he said the bank!
  11. No words to express this loss, I was able to meet Ashton a few times when I was a sub on his bus a couple months ago, praying for his family.
  12. duttonjl

    Come on

    I just packed up 4 huge garbage bags last night of clothes, I will be by soon, I just love spring cleaning!!
  13. That was very nice of you.
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