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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Just have a nitro patch handy....


    Im just gonna tell them to go ahead and take my house now. Somethings gotta give!!! With the price of food and gas, what is a family supposed to do?


    And selling it would be out of the question, it is not even worth what we owe. :angry2:



  2. OMG, this post hits home with me, If you guys could see the pile of clothes in my laundry room! If I could download pcitures I would post it, you all would get a good laugh. It is amazing how much a family of 5 dirty up. (well not me the other 4)


    I HATE LAUNDRY, but I am thankful GOD has giving me (us) the clothes on our back. There are so many people that only have 1 outfit!


  3. I know exactly what you mean. I have to make choices about whether or not I really need to go do this or that. I'm staying home from church today to conserve gas...we have to drive an hour to take our youngest home to his mom today.



    We had to do the same, stay home from church today because we have to drive to cartersville this afternoon for a family event. I have about 3/4 of a tank and my DH has 1/4 of a tank. I worry about how DH is going to get to work this week?? I pray we find some today.




  4. :lol:


    Yes, KRM is very nice, no matter WHAT jlh says!


    Your kitties will adjust. It may take some time, but they will. My tuxedo kitty didn't speak to me for two weeks each time I added a cat, but he always got over and and still loves me!


    I wish I could take one, but my husband would seriously leave me.


    But hmmm...I have a black and white kitty, and two whiteish kitties...my gray kitty moved to Texas so now I don't have a gray kitty...hmmm...:rolleyes:


    (I'M KIDDING! I can't take another cat! But I'm sure you'll find them good homes. And I'm glad their eyes look better.)



    Your hubby wont notice one more kitty if you have 3, its like going from 2 to 3 kids, you really dont notice anything different :)

  5. That, I am. But remember the dogs to your left <-------- and that is the MAIN reason. :lol: And ask TC- she'll tell you I am nice. BTW_ JLH came and sat with me when I got the tat... see he loves me. He was there with Kat and Solosoul and SAGE!



    So is the table up yet? Im sitting at my new one right now, hehehehe :p

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