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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. :yahoo:


    I was a four kitty house until a few months ago, when one moved to Texas with my son. I still have three, and they seem to be EVERYWHERE all at once! And the FUR...OMG!!!


    But I :wub: my kitties.


    Which one are you keeping?


    I love the little tuxedo one. My oldest kitty is a tuxedo kitty. :wub:


    Yep I am keeping the lil black one, she is a spitfire. The Momma looks just like one of the grey and white ones and they are all soooo furry, I love furry kitties. My other two kitties are in the stare down faze right now, they are only speaking to me when they want to eat, and only speak to their new family members by hissing,LOL.

    I still need to find homes for the others. I contact a pet rescue but have had now response :(

    Tried to get KRM to take one today but she is allergic!


  2. It was wonderful meeting you, too!!! We'll be unloading it soon. We got Mexican on the way home and are watching Grey's Anatomy. I can't wait to put it up!! Thank you so much for the clothes as well. My niece will be very happy!



    OMG, I love Grey's it is my favorite, Is it the premier from last night. PM me and tell me what you think.



    It was wonderful meeting you, too!!! We'll be unloading it soon. We got Mexican on the way home and are watching Grey's Anatomy. I can't wait to put it up!! Thank you so much for the clothes as well. My niece will be very happy!



    OMG, I love Grey's it is my favorite, Is it the premier from last night. PM me and tell me what you think.


  3. She and I are sitting in Chicago's eating cheeseburgers. The waitress brings the check and my mom looked at it. She then says, "these weren't black anus burgers were they?" I asked, "WHAT???" She replies, "well, they sure didn't taste like anus"........bless her heart!!! :rofl:




    Note to readers: The word black in this post is not nor intended to be racist by any meaning.



    LOL, I dont know if chick told you but I use to work with your Mom for years, that comment suits her, I will have to call and tease her.


  4. Someone's got to help me. Either we get help, or one of us won't make it till she's an adult. And I'm SOOOO not exaggerating. She is absolutely EVIL!! And this goes beyond hormones. She constantly YELLS at me, she is HATEFUL towards everyone in this house including me and her brother....it's liek she just sits and waits to pounce. She burns her hands with erasers...."it's a game" is the excuse I get, she absolutely REFUSES to do her chores. Her room, and I'm not exaggerating...you cannot walk in there for what your not stepping on clothes. I've taken away her privileges this weekend...no birthday party, no phone and the only computer usage she gets is homework.


    It's getting, and forgive me because I hate myself for saying this...but I can't stand being around her. It's like an abusive situation and I'm afraid she's going to haul off and physically hurt me or her brother. She's so angry.


    I can't afford to take her to a counselor. I don't know what to do. I'm scared. Any suggestions.



    Talk to the school counselor. I do know that Dallas Family Counseling will work with you on the $. You really cant aford NOT to get her help.


    I totally understand though about the $ so that is not meant to bash you.


    I will say a prayer for you.

  5. Sure, I will post pictures for you when you have some new ones. Just send them to me.


    The conjunctivitis they have needs to be treated. It can be quite serious, leading to blindness in some cases. Do you have a vet you could call and talk with about getting them some ointment or antibiotics?


    In the meantime, you can use a warm, wet cloth to gently clean their eyes and reduce some of their discomfort.



    I am getting to bathe them. Im sure that will make them feel better. I do have a vet but I honestly (and embarrased to say) I dont have any extra money to spare. I recently became a stay at home mom and we live on a very very very fixed income (as most of you out their do). Let me clean them up maybe they are just dirty (praying). I will send you pics later. Thank you again for your help and suggestion I appreciate your kindness.

  6. Im going to bring them upstairs in a little while and give them all a warm bath. I opened my door to the back yard earlier and the only one who has gone out is the Momma. All the babies are snuggling on a blanket. I cant afford to get any medical care for them. I can barley afford to feed them but I am going to do my best to find them all good homes and make sure they have food and water. I dont want any of them to go to the shelter.


    Thank you Tabbycat for posting for me, after I bathe them I will take more pics and maybe you can post those for me too!


  7. I was in my garage all night, getting ready for my yard sale friday when my neighbor comes running over (she was out taking her dog potty) frantic because between our yards are 4 kitties and the momma! They are adorable. We live in a culdesac and our lots back up to woods. We think someone had to drop them off, there is a trail that runs behind our houses. They were hungry and thirsty. I gave them a big bowl of iams kitten food and some water. They also nursed a little on there momma, but they liked the food better. Momma is sooo sweet and they all just purr. I will try to takes some picks tomorrow and post. They all have long hair. They are in my garage for the night sleeping. If anyone is interested in taking one (or two) let me know. I will check them out more tomorrow when it is light for the sex. They do look to be about 4 weeks old. I would consider keeping the momma and getting her fixed. I already have 2 fur babies and my neighbor has 4 so we really need to find these babies good homes. I dont want them to go to the shelter!!!





  8. I was in my garage all night, getting ready for my yard sale friday when my neighbor comes running over (she was out taking her dog potty) frantic because between our yards are 4 kitties and the momma! They are adorable. We live in a culdesac and our lots back up to woods. We think someone had to drop them off, there is a trail that runs behind our houses. They were hungry and thirsty. I gave them a big bowl of iams kitten food and some water. They also nursed a little on there momma, but they liked the food better. Momma is sooo sweet and they all just purr. I will try to takes some picks tomorrow and post. They all have long hair. They are in my garage for the night sleeping. If anyone is interested in taking one (or two) let me know. I will check them out more tomorrow when it is light for the sex. They do look to be about 4 weeks old. I would consider keeping the momma and getting her fixed. I already have 2 fur babies and my neighbor has 4 so we really need to find these babies good homes. I dont want them to go to the shelter!!!





  9. Folk's given the recent activity in our county and with the

    Gang and Drug Use on the rise and PEER Pressure on

    our children by other children. Here is an OPTION that

    we parents can use to take some of the "PRESSURE"

    off of our children.







    I also believe that any MINOR should be tested with one of these

    if in a altercation with a POLICE Officer or a School Resource Officer!!!



    I would like to see our ELECTED COUNTY OFFICIALS

    make it MANDATORY!


    (to me this is a FIGHT worth FIGHTING FOR!) ;)



    I would not hesitate to use on my children.. they are still young, but I have an older sister that broke every rule in the book. I will not be one of those parents that say "not my kid". Great thread CC.



  10. I hired an assistant to help me on Saturdays! Let me introduce........


    ::Inmybestbaritonefunkycoldmedinavoice:: Lovecake101


    She is way cute and she wants to be a hairdresser when she grows up B)


    She starts Saturday so I need to be assistant busy. Right now I'm only do it myself busy.

    So...uhhh...Who needs a hairdo? 8)



    Wow I talked to her about babysitting for me sometime, she is a sweet young lady! Cant wait to see her again on 10/11.

    Edit because I have not had enought coffee yet this morning!!!!

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