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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. For 14 years I received a bonus. Last year I received a bonus and a family trip "first class" to Disney for 7 days. I was very blessed to work for such a generous Man.


    This year I realized while money pays the bills and is nice to have in the bank, I was not happy working. I wanted to be with my kids. The bonus I will receive this year and hope to receive for many more years is the smile I see every morning on my kids faces when I am home with them. God will provide what we need.


  2. 10!!! what do her friends says to her when she does this



    Nothing yet. I'm sure they will tease her when she gets to middle school next year. She does it all the time just not when sleeping.

    I have tried everything to get her to stop.




    My daughter bites her nails and asked me to buy some of this. I have never been able to find it anywhere.



    No Thumb is what it is called. I bought it once at Wal-mart and Target. I had to ask the pharmacy for it, they had it behind the counter.


  3. Aetna is awful!


    UHC PPO and BCBS HMO are the best.


    I have UHC PPO and my husbands premium is going up to over 200 a pay period (biweekly) Jan 1. That is over 400 a month to cover our family....and they would why there are so many un-insured people out their!!!


    I am VERY appreciative he has a job that provides it, but we will have to juggle our money that much more when the new year comes.

  4. Everything was wrapped when I was a kid.


    Santa always wraps in "special" paper. Santa chooses a special wrapping paper for each one of our kids. The gifts from us are wrapped too. Name tags for Santa's gifts are "hand made" by the Elves with glitter.


    Stockings are from us and are not wrapped.





  5. Aww, you're welcome! I had thought about sharing this before being the "soap lady" and all. ;) But just never have.


    I *highly* recommend changing your recipe to include Felz Naptha soap, and for you to add vinegar instead of liquid softener, AND the bluing to your washing mixture before pouring it into your load. You will *not* get the grays if you do this.


    This is what is IN "real" detergents! You know how they are normally a shade of blue? That's why. ;)



    Here's another tip. If you just have to have dryer sheets.... buy a cheap sponge. Cut it into sixths. Now, buy some fabric softener. Get you a tupperware, and pour a capful or two into the dish, and put some water into it to get it watery - but not overly so. Then dip your sponge into the fluid, soak it in good, and then squeeze the majority of it out. Toss that sponge into your dryer w/ your clothes. ;) Does the same thing as a sheet, but is cheaper, and you can use the sponge over and over again.




    Don't bother with adding scents. Seriously.


    Because you really need to be using the vinegar in the rinse, any scent will be lost.



    The best way to add "scent" would be what I described above with the sponge and the fabric softener. You could, of course, get an unscented one and add fragrance to it via essential oils, if you really wanted to. But coming from someone who uses hundreds of dollars worth of EOs a year, Ummmmm, I couldn't bring myself to do that. EOs are quite expensive retail wise.



    Vinegar in the rinse cycle?? Dont you clothes smell like vinegar?? What is the purpose of the vinegar? How much do you use?


    Great idea on the sponge in the fabirc softner. I may try that, I love my snuggle!

  6. I was going to put HR in an in-home daycare, but all of the local ones within my commute wound up being almost $30 more a month than her school now. :wacko:



    I keep kids in my home and I am cheaper then day care. One of the many reasons I quit work!

  7. About a month ago I was watching the show on TLC about the Dugger family, they are the ones with 150 children, no really only 17 and one on the way. They talked about making their own laundry soap, how effective it was and how cheap and simple it was to make. I went on the internet and got a recipe, made it and it really does work. Who knew? It cost about $7.00 for the ingredients and I'll have enough to make at least 10 batches. My daughter's hubby drives a garbage truck and often gets really dirty. This stuff gets his clothes fresh and clean. I was really surprised and happy. I do about 15 loads of laundry a week and she does maybe 10 and I just had to make a new batch last night. I feel like Laura Ingles on Little House.



    OMG, I love the Duggar's. Have you made the tater tot casserole yet? Yummy!! Anyway I too was wanting to make this but I could not figure out what "washing soda" was after I looked at the recipe online. I should of just come to pcom to ask ;)


    I cant wait to make it now!

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