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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Have your hubby call my hubby --- if he's as picky as mine, they should have a LOT of trouble finding a restaurant!!! :rofl: :rofl:



    Meat, potatoes, meat, potatoes, meat, potatoes, meat, potatoes....................

  2. I just hope I figure out how to post them, I had a hard time doing my pics of Hairazors work of art. I may just have to bring them to you to see.


    BTW, I was the one who was there yesterday with the 4 kids... my two lil boys bought the Superman's.


    Neet lil store you have there!


    Thank you! Cute little boys you got there.

    Hope they are enjoying flying the superman ;)





    They have not put them down since we got them. They both slept with them last night and they are in hand now watching Barney!

  3. I just hope I figure out how to post them, I had a hard time doing my pics of Hairazors work of art. I may just have to bring them to you to see.


    BTW, I was the one who was there yesterday with the 4 kids... my two lil boys bought the Superman's.


    Neet lil store you have there!

  4. OK yall, Simply Floored is scheduled to be here Monday at 8am to make my kitchen back-splash purdy!!! I had to postpone them coming previously due to some slight bumps in the road of life... but we are back on track now. I cant wait!!! I will post before and after pics.



  5. I registered my 3 1/2 year old son back in Aug to play t-ball this year at Union Park. At the time I registered him they said they did not have a coach yet for that age group but they thought they would get someone before the season starts. They said the first games are usually around mid Sept? I still have not heard from anyone, just wondering if anyone else out their has the same problem???



    bump, I dont have any patience today :p

  6. I registered my 3 1/2 year old son back in Aug to play t-ball this year at Union Park. At the time I registered him they said they did not have a coach yet for that age group but they thought they would get someone before the season starts. They said the first games are usually around mid Sept? I still have not heard from anyone, just wondering if anyone else out their has the same problem???



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