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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. hmm.......I've checked every walmart around and haven't seen it there.



    Lady Raider, thank you for the offer but we have it on VHS already. I'm looking for the DVD so that she can actually watch it. :lol:



    I can burn your VHS to a DVD. I even have it on DVD (I have all of the Lion King's on DVD), I can just make you a copy if you are interested PM me.

    The only thing I ask is for you to cover the cost of the recordable DVD's.



  2. Thank you! And I'd rather have her here, even if she was in a bit of pain. Just so I could say goodbye and feel her touch one more time.




    I totally understand your statement above. I think the same thing to about my Mom, she has been gone 6 years on April 20th. I would give anything to feel her hand on mine one more time and to hear her voice, even if she was in pain.


    May the memories you have of her comfort you today

    Lots of Hugs :wub:



  3. Jesus Christ

    Health of my Children & Husband

    My Family

    The opportunity to stay at home with my kids (even though is is killing us $)

    The roof over our heads.

    The food that we have

    The clothes that are dirty and on our backs

    My Friends (you go through life with very few TRUE friends)

    My kitties, all 4 of them!



  4. GREAT POST! We are covered, we got our first policy when were married 14 years ago and bought our first home, we re-accesed our needs last summer after we purchased our 2nd home for our growing family and updated our policies beneficiary and coverage amount!


    My DH has short term and long term diability with his employer which he pays about $2 a paycheck for.


    We also have coverage on each of our children to cover funeral costs.


    Now we are starting to work on our Will etc.. Dont want to leave my children having to make difficult decisions when the time comes.

  5. I dont like raw onions, but I will eat them cooked. (same with DH)


    I dont like spinach plain, it has to be creamed spinach or in dip.


    My DH hates ketchup but LOVES salsa (make his own too, yummy!)


    I don't like pickels on harburgers or chicken sandwhich, but love to eat them just cold. (warm is nasty!)


    I will only eat creamy peanut butter, crunchy makes me think it has bugs in it.


    I can not sleep unless one foot sticks out of the covers.


    I will not leave the house without my wedding rings on. (makes my DH mad when I tell him to go back in and get them)



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