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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. sorry you have a problem with the driver driving slower than you think she should, I don't care if the speed limit is posted eighty, she is going to run her 40, on her bus odometer may have been showing 40, and if she was going 30 or 35 I am sure she had a reason. you never know what is happening on the bus that could have slowed her down, and her bus has a gps system on it the shop knows exactly what speed she is running. Driver on 78 and to all you bus drivers, keep it safe because the cargo that you are carrying can not be replaced.

    prayers for all the bus drivers





  2. Little one would be absolutely beside herself if she saw REAL chipmunks!!!


    She is obsessed with Alvin, Simon, and Theodore!!!! :lol:



    So is my 3 year old, when he saw the kitties with one yesterday he said "alivin gonna get killed"...and the kitties have killed alvin, simon and theodore this week so far! It also sparked a half day marathon of alvin and the chipmunks on DVD, I actually caught myself singing the songs last night (dont tell anyone), LOL



  3. The greatest damage I have had from chipmonks are lack of productivity. I can spend hours watching them play. We have three burroughs in our backyard and they have learned to climb up the rosebushes to the lower limbs of the pecan trees (not nearly as destructive as squirrels). They have not bothered the flower beds, and they keep the dropped blueberries cleaned up in the spring. I know they are rodents, but here they have been good backyard neighbors, unlike sqirrels that have dug the vegetable and flower gardens, raided bird nests and feeders and are stripping the nut trees.



    Where do they live? Underground??

  4. can i borrow your killer kitties? :lol:


    i've been fighting with these nasty little things for 3 years. it's a rat with a black stripe to me :rolleyes: they chew up everything <_<



    I did not even know we had them till the Momma kitty was playing with it on Sunday morning. I did not realize they chewed things, what do they chew???




    My apologies. I was just kidding. Two years ago I saved a chipmonk being "played" with by the next door neighbor's cat. Helped in get to bushes on other side of fence and then chased the cat off. Maybe it is one of the chipmonks hanging around my yard.



    No apologies needed. Wanna kitten?????



  5. The kitties are the chipmonks are cute or the fact that they killed the chipmonks?



    Yes let me clarify... The kitties and the chipmunks are cute. I tried to save the one yesterday but I found it dead later on where I had placed it when I took it away from them. For the record, I dont like to see any animal hurt or die. The outside kitties I have are the ones that someone dumped in my culdesac 3 weeks ago along with the Momma cat that I have taken into my home. If you know anyone that would like a kitty please send them my way.





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