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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Hey I spent my first month or two in Paulding place. Never knew there was an internet cafe. I was searching for Paulding Gov't, and it pulled up a thread in Paulding Place and that is where I stayed. You will get the hang of it. :D



    I' sure I will eventually. I need a "cheat sheet" for what all the abbreviations etc.. are. It took me 2 days to figure out what the heck a thread was. Is there a manual that goes along with this site?

  2. Hello and welcome....but you joined in Aug 07???



    Yes I did and I could never figure out how to navigate around, I told you I am slow!! I have recently retired to stay at home with my kids. Well I had to find something to do with my time and what better way than to surf Paulding.com. I really have become addicted in a short time. Hello to you too!


  3. I want them too! There hands all the way around it and I would live to do there feet. I want something I can put on display on my dinning room table. I am saving up to take them back. Taking my 3 yo in there is like taking a bull in a china shop, so next time I am going to have to take my hubby to help keep him in line.

  4. I used to live in Cartersville and remember that, but wasn't sure it was still there. I think I'll try that one.





    Thanks! We were just watching John and Kate plus 8, and they were painting pottery and my son asked if we could do that. Cool! I'll check it out.



    That is where my girls got the idea. My Dad's girlfriend and my kids were watching and she found a place to take them when they were visiting in FL last month. I promted me to find some place here to take them. It is a great way to spend quality time with them too!

  5. I do the exact same thing about my Mom. There have even been times when I say to myself that she is on her way home from so and so... then I remember. Then I miss her more.




    I find myself following women around wal-mart and then I remember my Mom is gone and that is not her.

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