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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. yes...we clean carpet


    Thanks Jennifer..it was a pleasure doing business with you..and we cannot wait to do his truck and make it shine too



    DH saw my Van this morning and wanted to drive it to work, LOL I told him NO WAY I am going to cruise around today in my clean van while I do my errands. The children are forbiden to eat or drink in it!! I wonder how long that will really last?? He cant wait to have his truck done friday.


    It was nice finally getting to do business with you too and Marc if you can take her for a spin anytime as long as you clean her up while you have her (and put gas in her too :p )


  2. I dont think my van looked this good when I drove it off the lot! The wax job left it as smooth as a babys butt! I can't wait to cruise around Hiram tomorrow when I am doing my errands. Marc and Lisa did a AWESOME job. They are doing my DH nasty truck on Friday. We will post before and after pics of that!


    Thanks Again Marc & Lisa



    :good: :yahoo: :clapping:

  3. I am greatful for:

    My savior who died for me.

    3 beautiful and healthy children.

    My oldest DD being saved earlier this year and the other two that are being brought up in a christian home.

    My husband & christian marriage.

    My extended family and friends.

    The mortgage that is paid this month, the food on my table and the warm bed that I sleep in.

    The opportunity to be at home everyday with my children.

    That I will be able to get up tomorrow and go to worship God with my Family.

    The pile of laundry that never seems to get caught up, this means we always have clothes on our backs!

    The Men and Women that are fighting for my freedom & the families of those who lost someone fighting for my freedom.


    This is a wonderful thread.




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