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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Great pics, I went in 2006 and saw Beauty and Beast on Broadway, it was TOTALLY AMAZING! I did not even get to do half of what I wanted to do in that big city. I did manage to ride one of those double decker buses to see alot of the sights and I ate lunch one day at the Carnige Deli (spelling?).



  2. Yes, I would be interested. I live right near Roses Store and Union park would be good. There are a couple of other ladies that I was going to do this with back in the early summer, but it was just too darn HOT, so we never really got going on it. I will contact them and see if they are interested. Closer to 7 would be better for me, since I cook almost every night, but we could be done about 6:30 I just started a couple of nights ago on the dirt road by my house.

    I am about to leave, but I will PM you later.





    sent you a PM


    I WILL!


    I live off 101 also and have been want to go to Union also and walkduring the day and let kiddo take a ride on.


    PM me and we can get together!!



    PM sent

  3. I kinda like the two in back is the gray on right is it solid gray? The other on the back left looks alot like my older cat at home. Still begging DH we have 4 now!!!!



    I have 2 already and I am keeping the Momma. So that makes 3. He is all gray with white feet. The other one my girls have names patches.

  4. I'm in Hiram and love walking on the comet trail..........if gas keeps going down maybe I can come that way!



    That would be nice, that is one reason why I have to stay close to home, no gas $.

    How often do you walk on the comet? Maybe I could come that way every now and then to walk with you?


  5. I live off 101, I need someone(s) to walk with. I was thinking about going to Union Ball Park, they have a trail/track.


    I could go during the day but need to be home by 230 and in the evening after 630.


    Let me know if anyone is interested.




  6. Which one you gonna keep? (Working on DH as I type)



    Which one do you want? :D



    These kitties and the momma were dumped in my cudesac 15 days ago. They are weaning but all eat dry food. I need to find them good homes. I already have 2 cats, I am going to keep the Momma and one baby and the Humane Society is helping me get them fixed. Please PM if interested. AND THEY ARE ALL BOYS!!! Thanks







  7. These kitties and the momma were dumped in my cudesac 15 days ago. They are weaning but all eat dry food. I need to find them good homes. I already have 2 cats, I am going to keep the Momma and one baby and the Humane Society is helping me get them fixed. Please PM if interested. AND THEY ARE ALL BOYS!!! Thanks




  8. My boys can't decide which they want. I just wanted some suggestions? Which is better? What is the price difference? Where can I buy them?



    Santa brought a Wii last year, we love it, my 3 year old can even play it. It is good family fun that we ALL enjoy and you get a work out playing it. My kids ask to play the Wii every night instead of watching TV. :D


    Good Luck!



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