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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. mommieof3 is a very nice person, give her a mayberry


    John Boy is a NICE guy!


    Is a great mom with the cutest kids :D




    Thanks Hairazor!


    Hairazor is a NICE person too!

    And she does great hair!!



  2. In your profile under your personal info it looks like this<-20(_)10>

    In the parentheses you will see a zero or a plus or minus sign with a #

    minus signs are Mayberries and plus signs are Bullets a zero means you have neither

    Now can I have one for helping a fellow Pcommer? :D :rofl:




    YES, you deserve one for your great work on me and daughters. My oldest loves her highlites, she thinks she is sooooo grown up now! I deleted her before pics, that is why I have not posted them.



    Thanks for the explantaion HR, always been wondering what those numbers are.


  3. I am in the same boat with you on this, I went thru this same thing august 5,2004. We were at home when my daddy died from cancer. I cry everytime i hear this song. Every line of it is so true!! I to have also heard that it gets easier with time but ive yet to see it. my thoughts are with you all. :wub:



    I dont think it ever gets easier, whoever said that must not of lost a parent.

    My thoughts are with you too.

  4. thanks, i told you i was a nice person




    what does a mayberry look like? and a bullett?


    thanks, i told you i was a nice person




    what does a mayberry look like? and a bullett?

  5. I just seen the viedo of this song.. and it has ripped my heart out...



    Wind blowing on my face

    Sidewalk flying beneath my bike

    A five year olds first taste

    Of what freedom's really like

    He was running right beside me

    His hand holding on the seat

    I took a deep breath and hollered

    As I headed for the street


    "You can let go now daddy

    You can let go

    Oh I think I'm ready to do this on my own

    It's still a little bit scary

    But I want you to know

    I'll be okay now daddy

    You can let go"


    I was standing at the altar

    Between the two loves of my life

    To one I've been a daughter

    To one I soon would be a wife

    When the preacher asked

    "Who gives this woman?"

    Daddy's eyes filled up with tears

    He kept holding tightly to my arm

    'Til I whispered in his ear:


    "You can let go now daddy

    You can let go

    Oh I think I'm ready to do this on my own

    It's still feels a little bit scary

    But I want you to know

    I'll be okay now daddy

    You can let go"


    It was killing me

    To see the strongest man I ever knew

    Wasting away to nothing in that hospital room

    "You know he's only hanging on for you"

    That's what the night nurse said

    My voice and heart were breaking

    As I crawled up in his bed and said:


    You can let go now daddy

    You can let go

    Your little girl is ready to do this on my own

    Its gonna be a little bit scary

    But I want you to know

    I'll be okay now daddy

    You can let go

    You can let go


    who sings this?


  6. Isn't ANYTHING interesting going on at ANYONE'S house in the whole county???? I'm bored and need some entertainment :)




    We are watching Bob Ross paint, Yipeeeeeeee.

    I think I would rather put sticks in my eyes, for some reason my DH loves to watch this guy paint! :huh:

  7. Question-


    I am getting rid of my old bath towels, some have bleech stains on them, some have strings, no holes though. Would you excpet donations of these??


    Also, all the "trash" newspaper adds that come in my mail box, would those work to line cages with?



  8. Some have them, or other markings on there car that give them away.


    Us for one with our logo all over the side of our truck. Jason's truck anyway. I have no markings on mine.


    MillCreek is another. Her info is all over the back of her window of her little red sports car. Of course there is Nemie/Handy Hubby. I guess a good bit of the commerce members any way. It's fun seeing them out and running the streets and you can pick them out.


    I think I will stay undercover for a while :ph34r:

  9. Mommieof3, I gotta ask you a question, just cause I have to know!! I am nosey like that sometimes.


    Do you have a car tag "momeof3"? I was just taking Jason to Physicians Immediate on 278, and there was a lady and her 3 kids coming out and getting in a vehicle with that tag. I thought it might be you.


    I ended up leaving Jason there and will go back and get him later. They said it was going to be 1 1/2 hr wait, and I needed to round up some kiddies so I left him there and told him to call me when he was done. He has a really bad place on his leg. It started pretty small this morning but a little sore, and he has been working all day. He came home tonight and it is much bigger and hot to the touch. When he found out how long the wait was going to be, he asked about making an appointment for in the morning instead of sitting there that long. The nurse looked at his leg and told him she thought he had been bitten by a Brown Recluse and he did not need to leave there. Sooo, here we go again!! This is the 4th or 5th time he has been bitten by a spider, and has even been hospitalized for it once.


    Well, I guess I just hi-jacked this thread. Didn't mean to, and I know I am rambling but it's because I am running a fever and exhausted. Please carry on with the original topic and excuse my ramblings. You will just have to forgive me this time.



    Nope, was not me :D

    I have met just a few Pcommers, I am just to shy to come up to people and introduce myself..Maybe we should get name tags?



  10. Okay...I have laminate in my Kitchen and my Bathrooms..I use the old fashioned type mop with Pine-Sol, and I feel that they still are not clean enough :wacko:

    Problem is, I love the smell of Pine- Sol, thought about getting one of those steam cleaners (Shark??) Anyone have one?



    I have the Shark, love it, love it, love it. I have laminate in my whole house, well not in the BR. The best $80 I have spent!

  11. I am beginning to get frustrated. We have not even had any serious lookers. But I have a unique property to sell, three homes on seven acres. I need someone with extended families that want to live together.Or ( heaven forbid) a developer looking for a spot to put a few houses in for a subdivision!!!



    where at?

  12. well i'm going to eat dinner and then i don't know, might take the wife and kid to a movie, or talk on p.com



    I have not been to a movie in forever... I think the last grown un movie we saw was 27 Dresses, before that Hannah Montana Movie.

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