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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Laundry Detergent


    1 Bar Fels Naptha soap (Publix is the only place I have found it for .99)

    **I know people that have used ivory bar soap, but Fels Naptha is the best

    3/4 cup Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (Publix is the only place I have found this too, $2.50)


    3/4 cup Borax Powder (Publix, Wal-Mart, Kroger $2.50)

    Lots a water (see recipe for amounts)

    5 gallon bucket with lid, I purchased mine a Wal-mart in the paint dept. for about $8


    Grate soap add to six cups water, heat in pot till soap is melted. Add washing soda and borax, stir till disolved.


    Pour 4 cups hot water into bucket, add soap mixture and stir. Add 1 gallon plus 6 more cups of water and stir.

    Cover and let sit 24 hours, it will gel.


    Use 1/2 cup to 1 cup per load.


    I have also used this to spot treat stains. I have made 3 batches in the last 3 months, the last time I did it I pour 2 cups of my favorite fabric softner into the bucket and it made it smell even better! I know some people that add essential oils to, but I heard they are expensive and I really dont know where to get them around here.


    Good luck!


    My friend is making it, and dishwasher detergent too! She gave me the dishwasher detergent, and I love it! No residue.........cleans great! ;)




    tell me more, recipe please :rolleyes:

  2. No I have been wanting to. How do you make yours? I pulled about 12 diffrent recipes off the internet but they seemed like more trouble then what it is worth.




    I will post the recipe I am using. I got mine off the Duggar Family web site and someone posted it here too. It is so easy, 4 ingredients! Very cheap and makes a lot!!


    Give me a minute to pull it up.




  3. I don't think a convicted child molester should have the same rights as everyone else. They've proven themselves to be less than trustworthy with one of our most precious resources...our children.


    I don't think this could be effectively enforced, but rather it serves as another thing to add to the list of no-nos and can be used against them...if caught.



    I agree 100%

  4. YEP, it is true. I have ALWAYS said our schools started going downhill when they took the Bible and Paddle out of them!!!!


    IF I EVER got a paddling at school, I KNEW I would get an even worse whopping when I got home. Therefore, I NEVER got one at school.

    Today's kids don't have any threats or incentive to behave. JMHO.




  5. I love this idea. You would get my business. I have one in my home now that I got from the ABC catalog. I would love to put them in my kids rooms. I tried to find a local salesperson for "Upwords" (whatever their name is) and they wanted $5 to send me a catalog! I won't give my money to anyone that I have to buy a catalog from!





    I worked for an Orthopaedist for 15 years, I saw many many many people who eneded up with osteomyelitis who thought they would be fine if they "just took care of it on their own".


    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.




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