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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. I just got back from my trip to the new Publix. I have mixed feelings. I was greeted by the store manager and given a flower and my son was given a balloon with crayons. I thought the store was beautiful but maybe a little on the small side or maybe it was just all the people, LOL. I noticed some items were priced higher than in New Hope or Mirror Lake. I think for a GRAND OPENING they could of had better deals . My son had a full meal buy the time we finished our shoping...lots of food samples, so I got out of making lunch today. The Sara Lee bread man was on the bread isle, he gave me a coupon for a FREE loaf of bread which I thought was great, it saved me 2.89. I did save $63 in coupons overall :clapping: . I thought the customer service was EXCELLENT but like everything else i'm sure it wont last. I also was given the green shopping bag, which I really like, I just may have to but a few more.


    I ran into LisaG and her new baby :rolleyes:


    I noticed when I got to my car and was looking over my receipt that the cashier did not take off my 2.89 for the bread so I went back into the store and they gave me cash back at customer service.


    I will return but will probably only go for sale pirced items that I can use my coupons for.







  2. If you try it and decide you just can't live w/o the lavendar, try this. Buy a regular ole cleaning sponge and some lavendar essential oil. Soak the sponge with water, put two drops of the oil on it, and then wring it out. Then throw it in your dryer with your clothes. This should give them a nice light scent and will not use much of the expensive oil to do.




    Where can you buy essential oils around here?


  3. Where can I find the Fal Naptha soap? I'm going to try a batch and see if it helps her. :)


    You can buy everything needed at Publix.




    Thank you. I think I'm going to try it. Although I love the lavender smell of the fabric sofener I use, it will be SO much cheaper if i only have to get/make 1 detergent rather than 2 different types of everything.


  4. Where can I find the Fal Naptha soap? I'm going to try a batch and see if it helps her. :)


    You can buy everything needed at Publix.




    Thank you. I think I'm going to try it. Although I love the lavender smell of the fabric sofener I use, it will be SO much cheaper if i only have to get/make 1 detergent rather than 2 different types of everything.


  5. Ok, gotta question. My daughter has OOBER sensetive skin. I have to use All free and clear, NO fabric sofener and free and clear dryer sheets.


    Now, with that said, would this be sensetive enough for her condition or for someone with exzema (sp?)????



    My father has super sensitive skin and allergies. His Eczema has actually calmed down since I started washing his clothes too!

    But keep in mind I am using the Fal Naptha soap NOT ivory or other bar soap.


  6. Ok, I decided to try the white vinegar. My husband looked at me like I was crazy this morning when I started my first load and poured the vinegar in the fabric sotfner dispenser. I remined him how he looked at me the same way when I made our laundry soap for the first time and now he loves the idea of how much money we are saving on detergent ;)


    Our laundry really got behind while the kids where off, so I have about 8 loads to do today and it is only costing me pennies per load!!


    I cant wait to show DH the dishwashing detergent I whipped up that he gets to use tonight when he loads the DW.





  7. If you don't have the space for the liquid homemade laundry detergent, you can mix 1 cup borax, 1 cup washing soda, and 2 cups finely grated soap, just use 2 to 3 tablespoons per load. I have been using this for over 1 year now along with vinegar for softener and my family loves it!


    WOW, I did not know about the powder, I will be trying this too.



    What a cool gift idea!! Thanks, it does sound like you must go through the laundry.


    It was, everyone loved it. I will surely do it again this Christmas.

  8. So this recipe last you about a month? How often do you wash? Sorry for the questions, but I'm just figuring out how long it would last my family. Thanks for sharing.


    It would last me about 8-10 weeks depending on how much I wash. I have 3 kids, one that is potty training and I keep children in my home so I HAVE A LOT OF LAUNDRY, lol. I made one batch for a friend and one batch I made a christmas time, I put it in mason jars, decorated them and gave them a gifts. I will be making a 4th batch this week with another friend of mine, she thinks this awesome so she is coming over with her own ingredients to make some with me!

  9. Not quite! LOL


    Two Tbs of the powder in the soap compartment.


    Fill the jet dry section with white vinegar.


    You can use the lemonade in with the borax and washing powder if you want. It is cheaper if you don't use the lemonade.


    I told you it was late :p


    Thanks, I cant wait to try this, I run my DW twice a day.

  10. Equal parts borax & washing powders. Fill the jet dry spot with white vinegar for each load. Two Tbs should be enough.


    Some folks add unsweetened NOT SUGAR FREE, but unsweetened lemonade.


    Works great at my house.



    ok it is late, I am having a hard time picturing this.


    so I mix equal parts of borax and washing powder and put in detergent compartment? Add 2 TBSP white vinegar to jet dry spot and that is it?


    Are you saying I could use lemonade vs vinegar?



  11. So it isn't too thick to pour from a plastic bottle? Or does it have to be scooped out? lol




    Mine seems would be to thick to pour in a bottle. Mine is like thick gel. Some people I know only use half the bar of soap, I use the whole bar so theirs may not be so thick.

  12. This may be a stupid question, but do you leave it in the 5 gallon bucket? If not, what do you put it in after it's ready to use? Or if you leave it in the bucket-how far does it fill it up, or would it be possible to put it in something else? The reason I ask is that my washer and dryer are at the end of my kitchen in the open and there is no room really for a 5 gal bucket. I think it would be too heavy to sit on the little shelf we have. I guess I could put it in the garage, but it would be a pain to go our there and get some for every load of clothes. TIA.



    Great question, I put some in smaller container that sits on top of my dryer, I store my bucket in my basement.




    After it has set up, I put it in plastic detergent bottles.



    I was not smart enough to save any of my mine when I was still buying it

  13. I love it too, but Soapmom was right on the money when she said that after a few months your whites would get gray, so ADD the blueing as she suggested.



    I have just been using my clorox in my whites instead of the blueing and we are all white here!



    that is easy.... thank you mommieof3 I am gonna have to try that. Did ya know that you can use 1/2 cup - 1 cup of viniger as a fabric softner also instead of liquid fabric softners and it work good too.



    you are welcome, I read that before, but I cant get past the thought of my clothes smelling like vinegar. :p

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