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Everything posted by dallasmama

  1. Miss Jean was a wonderful person who would do anything to help others. She was so kind to our family. She was a good neighbor who always helped to keep an eye on our children while they were playing. She has called countless times to check on our kids when she heard they were sick. She will be missed. Our thought and prayers are with Joni, Caitlyn, and family. Onva
  2. No but southernscarlett is my MIL.
  3. I think it would be considered cheating if I guessed.
  4. I am guessing you have not been a kindergarten teacher or para.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you. Cooper and Onva Graham and family
  6. We had a wonderful time! Everyone did a fabulous job!
  7. Wow! That was harsh. I read what she posted to mean that in hindsight maybe it wasn't the best idea for her daughter to drive when she allowed her to and that she is going to wait until her son is ready, even if he is older. Maybe that was not what she meant but if she is already having anxiety comments like this will only make her feel worse. Having panic/anxiety attacks sucks. When I had them I tried two different meds (not at the same time) and both had side effects that were too much for me. Going to a counselor helped me SO much but I know so many people who have had success with med
  8. At least if it were this, it is usually just more annoying than anything else. I remember feeling bad before I had Fifth's Disease but I don't remember if my kids' did. I hope you get an answer and that it is no big deal.
  9. Also, if there are a few kids at the same school that have it, it could very well just be a virus that causes a rash.
  10. It is a rash that is sometimes itchy. It usually starts in places that stay warm like in folds of skin, between a child's thighs, etc. I Googled it and most sites said that it starts with a fever and a rash on the cheeks. When I had it when I was pregnant I had a fever but neither one of my kids did. Also, none of ours started on our faces. I remember having it in 1st grade as weird as that it is. I think it was just so annoying and took so long to completely clear up that the memory stuck with me.
  11. From what you have described it sounds like when my kids' have had Fifth's Disease. Mine never had a fever when they had it either.
  12. My son attended school with Madison and although he did not know him personally, I can tell you there are many, many staff members, students, and families of students praying for this family. I pray that God gives you strength through this unimaginable time of sorrow.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray for peace and comfort for your family that only God can give.
  14. I was diagnosed with it as a child. Feel free to PM me any questions if you would like.
  15. Congratulations, Gwen. I know all of you are so excited. Hopefully I can see her in person soon.
  16. I LOVE Torrid. I have also had good luck finding Junior's plus sizes at Ross.
  17. Awesome. I am glad it worked out for you. Those ladies are great.
  18. It is not a rule that it has to be shrink wrapped, but in the rules it has always says it is highly recommended. I would definitely wrap it, even if does not go to county or state. The entries usually change many hands, and are handled alot, even at the school level. I have always just bought the roll of plastic shrink wrap at Michael's that you shrink with a hairdryer. It is affordable and works great. Also, The Art Shop is great at matting and/or shrink wrapping them quickly and cheaply.
  19. Nobody knows around here but we are still talking about it too. It DEFINITELY shook our house and scared my kids and I to death. I do not think it was thunder. I have never heard anything like it.
  20. I was really hoping someone would know what it was by now and would've posted the info. I am nosey like that.
  21. I felt like I should call to report what all my neighbors and I heard but then I felt like and idiot when the firetruck pulled up. I hope it was nothing but at the same time I will feel bad if we wasted their time.
  22. It scared us to death and we are in Ivy Trace. We called to report it.
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