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Everything posted by cmdudley

  1. Sorry for your loss. I will keep you and the family in my prayers! Hugs for you Tona
  2. Well my meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn, mac & cheese & cornbread sounded really good till I read Pizza Farm now I want a greek salad and some fried pickles
  3. My son and I can't wait! The two younger ones want to come but I think they are to young. We are very excited!
  4. is on now! It makes me really sad that this show is going off the air after 57 years. I have been watching this show since I was little my mom watched it also!
  5. Let me know if yall are still going and I will meet you!
  6. It looks like most everyone is going to Rodney's so maybe we can do buffalo's another time. I am going to to pick up a curio in Temple so I may be running a little late.
  7. THE PUBLIC BATHROOM When you have to visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place. Once it's your turn, you check for feet under the stall doors. Every stall is occupied. Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall. You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter, the wait has been so long you are about to wet your pants! The dispenser for the modern "seat covers"(invented by someone's Mom, no doubt) is handy,but empty. You would hang your purse on the d
  8. Good Morning! I am so ready for some sunshine! This rain is so depressing!
  9. I got 3 bags and they are good! CC Will you still have some on Monday? I want a few more bags! It was nice meeting you!
  10. I just came from town and they were having everyone turn on old cartersville and take northside church back to 61. I saw blue lights but could not tell what happened.
  11. cmdudley


    She is so beautiful! Lucky you get to buy all the cute girls clothes now. I may have to come go shopping with you. What do the boys think about her? I love her name that is so different.
  12. I bought 10 tickets for the TV I really hope I win!
  13. Dang it! That is right during the time I am helping with homework!
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