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Everything posted by AtlantaBry

  1. I rode by Lucky Dogs last Sunday night and it sure looked open to me. Are you sure they aren't open?
  2. So why doesn't anyone say where they were? Where do PCommers go in Hiram?
  3. In case anyone is interested...the Dallas Cultural Arts Council offers classes at Greystone in Dallas. I'm signing up for one that starts in Jan. http://dallasculturalarts.com/DCA/Home.html
  4. Oh yea.........how about a snake eating a HIPPO??? This gets good at about the 1 min. mark. http://www.encyclopedia.com/video/IjTj_tS_...ppopotamus.aspx
  5. I had mine out on a Thursday around lunch and was playing an ALTA match Sat @ 9AM. So it all just depends on the doctor and patient. Good luck.
  6. I highly recommend two places. Savannah, Ga. for the sightseeing and there are great restaraunts there too. Along w/ plenty of beautiful parks to let your son run around and enjoy the sights and tours. If you are looking for a beach getaway, you will have to go pretty far south that early in the year. Maybe Miami? You could also book you guys a nice cruise in that price range, but you would need a passport for that unless you just went to like Key West and the cruise lines private island.
  7. So we can come up w/ the right ideas....who all is going, how long will you be gone, and do you want to relax or sightsee?
  8. I'm just saying that if the majority of our citizens took the same approach they (and any other business that a crime was commited at) would shut down. We need to focus our efforts on preventing the crooks and catching them, not avioding the buisinesses where the act was commited.
  9. Yes, thievery is so wrong and I hope they get caught. But if we all take this attitude and blame the movie theatre (or any other establishment) for not providing enough security we are all going to loose. What do you think will happen if we stop going to movies....they will close, people will loose jobs, and we will have yet another failed business in Paulding County. So suck it up, bad things happen in life and then you recover from them. You don't just wave the white flag and say, I'm never going back there....something bad happened once. Come on......
  10. I really want to take a Spanish Class and I can't seem to find any nearby. I don't think I would get as much out of an online class. Do any of you guys know of any in or near Pauling/Douglas?
  11. Any music? Will the game be on?
  12. I agree, this is the best dish there. (w/ the grilled shrimp a close 2nd).
  13. Cruises are fun and a traditional vacation is fun........but you should go for an "all inclusive" vacation. They are so much better than the other 2. From the moment you get to your resort you don't have to pay for anything. On a cruise your food and very limited drinks are included (juice/tea) but on an all inclusive all the soda, beer, wine, mixed drinks, etc are included. So this is the better value by far. My wife and I just booked a trip to Blue Bay Villas Doradas in the Dominican. We spent our honeymoon in the Dominican at the Excellence resort and it was awesome. There, that is m
  14. Socieity can't conform to every whack job that comes along. If you are a man........go to the men's room. If you are a woman go the women's room. If the school has rules and they tell you that you need to dress a cerain way, do and and get your education. It's not rocket science.
  15. Ok....look at these 2 states, then think of the sounding? Someone explain? Kansas - Arkansas
  16. For a nice romantic weekend you can't beat Savannah. Google the 1895 Inn and check it out on Tripadvisor. Simply awesome, and very reasonable prices for such a nice B&B. Great restaraunts there too, some of my wife and I's favorites are the Old Pink House and the Shrimp Factory.
  17. There is this guy at my work that is notorious for using the wrong words. So much so that we have compiled a list. Here are few of the highlights......... Medium - The grassy area in the center of the road. Personal Vendeta - Personal Bandana "Do you think my raise will be radioactive?" "You cant judge someone's appearance by the way the look."
  18. Naked and Hot here........white or dark.
  19. It's funny that several of the replies in here have been about mini daschunds as we adopted one ourselves about 1.5 years ago. When we got him Lue was already almost 11 and Cooper (the daschund) had really brought some youthfulness to Luey. They are best buds now. Having Cooper around will make Luey's departure a little easier......at least we wont be looking at an empty doghouse.
  20. Why we are on the topic if there are any Falcon's fans in here they appreciate this. We had to very good players and even better men that played in Atlanta for years and only about 10% of the people that live here could say their names right. Keith Brooking was always called Keith Brookings and Warrick Dunn was always called Warwick Dunn So I'd like to say I'm sorry to Brooking and Warrick for all the times your name was butchered by your own home town fans.
  21. Winston, why don't you make your list a topic....I'd like to see it.
  22. What is it w/ Paulding county folks saying Krogers? Please look at the sign, it is Kroger (singular). You should say..."I just went shopping at Kroger." There is no S there. Do you say "I need to stop by Wal-Marts" or "Let's go grab a Burger Kings"? Now if the name has an S on the end like Ingles, then by all means.........use the S. Man, I have been wanting to get that off my chest for a while. Whew!
  23. There are aluminum bins and plastic bins behing South Paulding High School. Not really sure if they are for public use or not. I jog back there sometimes and I have seen them there.
  24. Thanks to all of you guys for the replies. After reading all of these I don't think it is time just yet, but I'm confident that I will know as lots of you guys have. Again, thanks for the time and the well wishes. Oh, and I didn't put it in the original email but my old Basset's name is Luey. Is there a better name for a Basset?
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