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Everything posted by dumbestgirlintheworld

  1. So are you now saying that blacks are being treated unfairly in the judicial system? At least you're consistent with your victimization.
  2. You're posting about material items and money, that is not success - so call it what it is. As for your question, this graph is pretty telling.
  3. Why not Phipps?? Look, your ten acres, your Mercedes, your husband's salary, your need to go to Lennox...those are all statements thrown out there in an effort to portray yourself as something you're not. Which can also be viewed as not wanting to take personal responsibility for who you are...but, I think we've talked in circles around that long enough. This has gotten laughable, but I think the general public is all on the same page. Something needs to be done to keep black youth out of the courtroom. I skipped the nails, but I can access the internet from my phone...as can most of
  4. I've never been to a Paulding county school, or county school at all for that matter. My child attends a private school. You're grasping at straws acting like you don't know the term "black community", likely because you don't want to acknowledge the validity to what I'm saying. That, or it might be time to leave those 10 acres and take a look here at the real world. With that, I'm fiddin' to go get my nails done.
  5. By itself, the impact is minimal. Combine it with poor verbal skills and baggy pants and it's catastrophic. As an earlier poster said, these stereotypes aren't created by a bunch of racist white people that want to keep the black people down, they are created by the community themselves (in many cases making these behaviors "cool") and therefore change needs to come from within the black community. This isn't all, just like all people in Paulding aren't red necks - but it would probably be the logical conclusion.
  6. You are a paying consumer in a public place that has every right to a pleasant shopping experience free of vulgar language. And, that is exactly what I would have told him and his grandmother.
  7. I do not have to live in the black community to know how to read statistics. Young, black men are filling the prisons and black on black crime is out of control. While African Americans comprise 13.5% of the U.S. Population, 43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed by African Americans. Numbers don't lie. And much of these numbers result from so many mitigating factors that drive black men to crime. If Lemmonjello White does graduate from high school (black men are twice as likely to drop out of school than white - but that's another story), he
  8. I didn't make any assumptions, in fact, I asked you...twice. My point to make was simply this...My son could very easily grow up to be a redneck if I let him. His first car could be a jacked up truck. He could wear shirts that say "Redneck and Proud", I could let him use the word "aint", but I am doing what I can to distance myself from that stereotype. I acknowledge that it exists, I do not defend it, I do not excuse it. It is my opinion that the black community does not make the same effort and it's time that they start.
  9. Do you have to what? Answer the question? No, of course not. But I do hope, with your success and Mercedes, that you encourage and respect having a good command of language skills. Otherwise, it only illustrates what the OP was intending to state in her post - misplaced priorities. You can be any color and have class, but remember, you can't shine $hit.
  10. SUH-WEET!!! I have an ipad and had no idea that you could do this. THANK YOU!!!!!
  11. how long does the battery *really* last? Is it backlit, meaning, can I read in bed without disturbing hubby? Do you have to download an application (like an iTunes?)
  12. What I meant is that I don't know how to read the INTENT of your post (were you being sarcastic? jestful?)...sorry, poor choice of words. You still didn't answer my question.
  13. I'm not sure how to read your post, so I'll simply ask...Do you feel that ebonics limits a person's potential to prosper in society?
  14. At it's roots, it's just another form of extreme behavior, which is rarely healthy. Moderation is key, and preached extensively throughout the Bible
  15. It a socioeconomic problem, however it's perpetuated by the culture of the black community. For instance, if a person looks at a resume and see the name Shaniqua White, they're far less likely to get a call then if the resume had read Stephanie White. Poverty perpetuates poverty, regardless of color. However, the black community does encourage behaviors that seem to increase poverty and, in some case, glamorize it. So, it's not a race thing, but it is time for urban communities to start working from within - which is why is so great to hear folks like Bill Cosby speak out against things l
  16. I just did some reading on the quiverful movement - crazy. Having kids to increase God's army? Yeah, that's batty to me.
  17. Your right on the money...and if these kids didn't all come from the same parents, we wouldn't be calling it a family, we'd be calling it a cult.
  18. This is EXACTLY why it's so selfish, Octomom. You want to have children because you didn't get to have a big family? You think that it's fair to deny a child the ability to be a child because he/she has to raise the kids that you don't have time to raise? My mother worked 2 jobs, my sister and I are 10 years apart. When I turned 12, my daily routine became coming home from school, feeding and entertaining my 2 year old sister, bathing, putting her to bed, taking care of the house, eventually getting in my school work and going to bed. I did this until I was 16 when my mom began working the
  19. I laughed, belched, and now pray to revisit my Chinese food.
  20. This just breaks my heart...prayers with this family and their support.
  21. NC - I may have to give you the eve off...beer is ubber filling to someone that doesn't drink it but twice a year.
  22. I, for one, welcome it. *cracks beer* :cheers:
  23. Organically, I give her huge kudos...but the second she decided to do a reality show, it lost a lot of my respect. Honestly, there's probably DOZENS of like sized families in Utah, they just choose to keep the privacy in their decisions. I give them a lot of credit for not being Jon and Kate, but at the same time, when you have to put you child bearing decisions on the cover of people...let's be real, they didn't HAVE to publicly say they wanted to have another...they CHOSE to.
  24. Honestly, all is fair in love and war...until you make ten grand an episode to show the rest of the world. Celebrity has consequence, doncha think? I would NEVER, no matter how much I WANT TO, be a Real Housewive...and good Lord, I probably could. Put I wouldn't want to open my family up to that scrutiny.
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