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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. Mr and Mrs G.... "CONGRATULATIONS" :clapping: Good to hear that Mother and Baby are Healthy and doing well! Merry Christmas!!!! :)
  2. Keep you :huh: posted for posts in the near future for meeting around town. I would like to start a TEXT circle for p.com sorta like a NIXLE alert but strictly for p.com peeps you would still be able to keep your anonymity Pm me or text me if you are interested
  3. My Pleasure... we are put here to serve others.
  4. send them to me I will post or post them to the FB or if it is easier for you text them to me
  5. I am confused... (please splain LUCY) What does this have to do with getting together?
  6. Maybe we could start once a week or twice a month meeting at a local establishment and singing karioke or playing cards or a movie etc... as I TRULY miss the Just Call me the PCOM GOFER!!! :lol:
  7. As we all gather with our families and friends this week, we at The Carlin Agency would like to express our appreciation and gratitude for you, our treasured friends and customers! Thank You and many Blessings to you and your family!
  8. I have not posted much lately (not enough hours) Sad to hear of West Metro closing, hope they will re-open! Tried Harvest Market and was really impressed!
  9. Awww....whew! Thank you.. I was /am excited about the H... Biscuit/ burger place as I like their biscuit and gravy !
  10. really? I was hoping they served breakfast like the other H A R D E E S :cray:
  11. Just finished 2 weeks working with Cobb LEO's.... as FreeBird reminds us .... wherever you are....Restaurant, Grocery or Gas Station, etc ... Make it a POINT to take the time to THANK a person in uniform! :good:
  12. Woo Hoo!!! :clapping: I just spoke to Mother Nature and we will be Clean and Green all the way to the Alabama Line!!! (can you guess the movie reference?) Come join us for a day of FUN and Activities!!!
  13. I too will be there handing out ICE COLD WATER!!!! (will make it a point to say HELLO!) Stop on by and say HELLO!!! :clapping:
  14. Pubby, we will keep our 's WIDE OPEN and please keep us posted.
  15. :clapping: Happy Happy Birthday!!!!! :clapping: :give_rose:
  16. From the look of it... you should be THANKFUL you only had a 12% Increase!!! Keep in mind... I can probably (90% sure) lower your Insurance premium and provide equal to better insurance coverage for $300.00 to $500.00 less a year!!! :good:
  17. $848.00 to $1238.00 = 46% INCREASE !!!!!!! :crazy:
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