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Everything posted by OldGoat99

  1. Somebody doing the math....finally..thank you. It is close..but the edge is Obama by a decent margin.. Romney had chances, but lost a lot of folks with his 47% , Hiding is money, not showing his taxes like other candidates, FEMAMedicare vouchers Views on women and the binders That all adds up to putting those not favoring Obama to liking Obama over Romney The unknown of Romney scares me more then anything bad about Obama.
  2. I see you represent the people of Georgia well...Georgia is laggin behind the vast majority of states in education...and you fit that mold perfectly .
  3. I just point at the three recent elected officials that state their crazy views about rape. The constant restrictions on aboortzion and the views of Romney. Put it all together and the road to reversing roe verse wade will be changed. If not the rules will make it nearly impossible to get one. I have a standing question for those against aboortzion..... How many kids have you adopted? If none why do I have to pay for your kids? I can't wait to happy dance on Tuesday all over tacoma when Obama wins...
  4. I worked delivery in the south.... No matter what folks say on here ....the south sucks when it comes to tipping folks in general. Heck even here in Virginia I know a lot of folks that are cheap. I always tip 15-20 percent of the bill. At a sit down restaurant or delivery. Those folks hustle for a buck, been there done that my self for years in the military. I had a second job 1/2 my career.
  5. Well if Romney wins the middle class will lose and lose big... I wonder how women that get raped will support there new kids under Romney? I know all the republicans will adopt them.. When the next storm comes to Georgia we can count on the state of Georgia and their leaders since FEMA will no longer be there to help. I wonder what home garage will be doing aboortzions? I want to know the country that it is legal to put my income to to avoid paying taxes like Romney? What other great laws can I look forward too? Oh yea Medicare will be gone... How many of your parents depend on that?
  6. OldGoat99


    I think those that don't pay or don't up keep there yards should be placed on a board in the front office for those to see who is contributing and who is not. Heck the county will tell you who is paying their taxes and who isn't, I think if you can't pay for a month then you don't belong on the board, but if it is months as some people are just deadbeats and then by all means put their name on a board I see nothing wrong with it as we all pay for the HOA and when someone does not pay then we all lose out. This is not some corporation, this is a cooperative pre se . You live in a
  7. OldGoat99


    Well I have to say some HOA's can be hard to deal with and for the most part most are fair and if you read the rules most are fair and reasonable. If you don't want to live by the rules don't live there. Now with that said...... My home in Georgia lost a lot of money to those that did not keep their yard in decent shape and due to those people I lost a lot of money in the sale of my home. Keep in mind one day you will sell your home and how your neighbors keep there homes will affect the value of your home. Yes the neighborhood slobs will cause you to lose money. With a HOA they can
  8. Here is another good one.Son head to Virginia....hydroplanes in rain spins out...smacks tail gate on guard rail. This is at va nc border. He calls cops to report accident. Get reckless driving ticket. Has to appear in court.Goes to court...5+ hr drive each way....cop is no show, judge tells full court room everyone has to come back cop has sprained ankle. 1 month later we go back... Son gets 100 fine and full day in driving class ($100)... He learns lesson...don't call cops unless you have no choice. I am out 4 tanks of gas... Family learns lesson, avoid police unless there is no other way
  9. You got it...just sit home...no need to vote republican.
  10. Do some checking online as anything with bleach will cause to rust. http://housekeeping.about.com/od/ideasbysurface/qt/steelclean.htmFound this and video on lower right
  11. I actually had a cured glass replaced by a company in Virginia. It was not all that expensive, and they shipped it in a foam fitting box. The box could have dropped from the roof of my home and the glass would have been fine. The site is ok, but they did a great job with getting the glass perfect. I traced the bottom edge on a piece of paper and mailed it to them to be sure it was the correct measurement. It was a perfect fit for my curio cabinet. P.S. The story on the cabinet is that my dad picked it up on his Bus route on Long Island put it in the back of the bus. The curio was out wit
  12. Too bad they are not big enough to put a body in... I know a few that wouldn't be missed....
  13. Bing bing bing. No sheeze I can't wait until they start taxing over weight people and force them to pay seriously higher premiums which they should be paying anyway. At least smokers pay higher taxes and die younger... Fat people live long and cost health care billions of dollars.
  14. At least with a credit card it is easier for you to be protected. A Debit card is harder to get your money back and it it happens a few times they can put the proving it on you (read the fine print).
  15. Come to Virginia and pay the taxes I pay up here.... Absolutely over the top up here. My Vehicle tax on my 2006 Toyota was almost $300 this year Home taxes are even worse.... Mine was almost $5000 <<<< yea that is not a mis-print.. Do the numbers on that one. Oh and I work my arse off for what I am making. Average 50+hr work week (most weeks) Off shoot to the good.... My homes value has gone up about $60,000 in just over a year (Short sale) including the few upgrades we have completed (New fence and Gazebo / Shed) I hope to make enough in 10 years
  16. Just what I have been preaching about is true and a lot worse then I thought. Leave the debit card at home and get a credit card. My link
  17. Romney and his kind care about their wallets an that's it.
  18. Georgia voting nothing but republican for decades is nothing unexpected. Georgia is what...45 in education? Speaks for it self and election votes. Lol Georgia voting nothing but republican for decades is nothing unexpected. Georgia is what...45 in education? Speaks for it self and election votes. Lol
  19. If you think Obama could of fixed the crumbling economy from the republican leading the country off the ledge you are highly mistaken. If you think it was going to get better over night, you don't understand economics. I can understand your side, but we are in this floating boat and no where near erodes mess. They cut spending, they cut everything. Where are they now? Look at history, and what did they do to get out f the depression? Spent money to build roads and dams etc I see Obama more as a family person and Romney about the rich pockets. We can't play that game any more. Plus women'
  20. I hope things get better for you, but how did Obama cause all your life's issues? A lot of the US economy had nothing to do with what he has done. A president can only set laws in place to affect jobs to a small degree. The world economy, housing market an Wall Street screwed us all.And if you think Romney is the answer...he is going to no better the Obama is doing in reality.
  21. I hope those polls are from someplace in LA. Too think that Romney might get in the White house scares the crap out of me. Just think what he would do with women's rights is enough to keep him out, I want to know how he is going to pay for the tax cuts and promises he is making..... oh wait ... we have no details on that yet. He will tell us when he is in office. And look for the smart women in his binders....
  22. I think that fits the best I have seen so far about him.
  23. OK, I guess I can't add two links to the thread for some reason. www.midnighteagle.com\2.jpg <<< here are the two rocks Copy and paste in the address bar of your browser.
  24. With all the issue with senior pranks and issues. I noted at a school here in Virgina that they had three huge boulders in the front of the school. I think one was for each class to decorate and paint as they wanted. I thought this was a great idea vice the decorating the road in front of the school (EPH) Just a thought. Well I think the file does not meet the board size restrictions, So here is a link to my web site with the pictures. Rock 1 I am working on getting the other two posted. Give me 10 min
  25. Thanks LPPT for the response with what is really going on. Looks like China is dumping products and losing money to push the competition out of the market in reality vice wasteful spending that is really the cause of the jobs.
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